2Gen Within DHS Programs
Several DHS programs are administered using 2Gen principals.

The Tennessee Department of Human Services (DHS) fosters a Two-Generation (2Gen) Approach to address poverty. Through this foundational framework, we are aligning internal and external programs and services – assuring that a two-generation lens is consistently applied when engaging our customers in all aspects of case management and service delivery.
Child Support Program
The Child Support Program provides services that promote parental responsibility to meet the financial needs for children and their families. Core services include locating parents; establishing paternity; establishing and enforcing financial and medical support orders; and collecting and disbursing child support collections. In addition to these services, the Child Support Program uses the Two Generational Approach to offer a number of employment support programs throughout the state.
Child Care Payment Assistance Programs
The Child Care Certificate Program provides child care payment assistance to families who are working or pursuing education programs. The Smart Steps Child Care payment assistance program provides financial assistance for parents working and pursuing educational goals. Parents are responsible for a co-pay for their child’s care. All child care payment assistance programs not only allow parents and guardians a sense of security while they work or pursue educational goals, but they also promote children's learning and development in quality care.
Community Services Block Grant
The Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) provides services and strategies to address the causes and conditions of poverty by removing the barriers to self-sufficiency for low-income individuals and families. These services are driven by a local community needs assessment and community action plan. Services and strategies may include education, employment, housing, health, nutrition, income management, case management, self-sufficiency and re-entry programs.
Families First
The Families First Program is a workforce development and employment program. It is temporary and has a primary focus on helping individuals gain self-sufficiency through employment. Services include, but are not limited to, assistance with transportation, child care, education, job training, employment activities, temporary cash assistance and other support services.
Food Programs (Summer Food Service Program & Child and Adult Care Food Program)
The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) provides administrative and operational payments to eligible agencies for serving meals to low income children. Eligible agencies include private nonprofit organizations, local governments, and state colleges and universities. The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) is a federally funded program that provides reimbursement for eligible meals that are served to participants who meet age and income requirements.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), provides nutritional assistance supplemental benefits to children and families, the elderly, the disabled, unemployed and working families. SNAP also provides an opportunity through the SNAP Employment and Training Program for SNAP participants gain employment skills, training, or work experience to increase their ability to obtain regular employment that leads to economic self-sufficiency.
Vocational Rehabilitation
Vocational Rehabilitation Services provides a variety of individualized services to persons with disabilities in preparation for their employment in a competitive and integrated labor market. Disability Determination Services (DDS) operates by agreement between the State of Tennessee and the Social Security Administration to process Social Security and Supplemental Security Income disability claims.
Posted July 9, 2019