Historic Preservation Fund Grants a Big Check
Representatives of the African American Heritage Society of Williamson County (AAHS) and the Tennessee Historical Commission (THC) met to recognize a $50,000 Federal Historic Preservation Fund grant from the THC to restore the historic McLemore House Museum in Franklin. The AAHS and community partners will restore the exterior roof, siding, and windows of the house. Built in 1880 by freedman Harvey McLemore, the museum showcases the property’s history and focuses on Williamson County’s African American heritage. Federal preservation grants provide 60% funding and require a 40% match for historic preservation projects on National Register-listed properties. They also fund architectural surveys and planning. Applications for the next grant round will open in late 2021.
See the full National Register nomination for the McLemore House at: https://npgallery.nps.gov/GetAsset/62be1a63-77b2-4936-adb3-b84e87238b0e

From left to right: AAHS Vice-President Harvey Chrisman, THC Executive Director and State Historic Preservation Officer Patrick McIntyre, THC Grant Coordinator Holly Barnett, THC Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer Claudette Stager, AAHS Board member Mary Pierce, AAHS President Alma McLemore, and AAHS Board member Sarah Critchlow