Public Meetings

Tennessee Historical Commission

The board is composed of twenty members: fifteen individuals appointed by the Governor, Lt. Governor, and the Speaker of the House, as well as five ex officio members. Ex officio members include the Governor, the State Historian, the State Archaeologist, the Commissioner of Environment and Conservation, the State Librarian and Archivist. Appointed members whose current terms have expired, serve until reappointed or replaced. Regular meetings of the Commission typically take place the third Friday of February, June, and October.

Contact Commission Members at

State Review Board

The board consists of twelve members appointed by the State Historic Preservation Officer. The Board meets three times a year to consider nominations from Tennessee to the National Register of Historic Places. The meetings typically take place in January, May, and September. Members must have demonstrated a competence, interest, or knowledge in historic preservation and a majority of the members shall be recognized professionals.

Tennessee Monuments and Memorials Commission

The Monuments and Memorials Commission consists of nine members with staggered terms. Three members appointed by the governor (one from each grand division), three appointed by the speaker of the Senate (one from each grand division), and three appointed by the speaker of the House (one from each grand division). The executive director of the Tennessee Historical Commission serves as an ex officio non-voting member as well as executive director of the Monuments and Memorials Commission. The Commission shall meet as needed.

This Page Last Updated: September 4, 2024 at 3:13 PM