Parks and Recreation Grants
The Office of Outdoor Recreation administers federal and state recreational grant programs to local and state governments. The Office manages the Local Parks and Recreation Fund (LPRF), the Recreational Trails Program (RTP), the Tennessee Recreation Initiative Program (TRIP), the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), and the Natural Resources Trust Fund (NRTF). The programs listed below have a match requirement and specific regulations for the applicants. If applications are selected for funding, the land must be publicly owned, and a Notice of Limitation of Usage must be placed on the land parcel's deed protecting the land in perpetuity for public recreation. In certain instances, publicly owned land that is leased from another public entity can qualify as land for certain grant programs listed below.
2024 Public Recreation Grants Cycle
Application is Closed. (Links below for information only)
- 2024 Public Recreation Grants Cycle Intent to Apply Workshop
- 2024 Public Recreation Grants Intent to Apply Workshop, January 16, 2024
- 2024 Public Recreation Grants Intent to Apply Workshop, January 19, 2024
Resources: 2023 Public Recreation Grants Cycle
Application is Closed. (Links below for information only)
Local Parks and Recreation Fund (LPRF)
The LPRF program is a state funded program that provides grants to eligible local government entities for the purchase of lands for parks, natural areas, greenways, and recreation facilities. The funds may also be used for trail development and capital projects in parks, natural areas, and greenways. At least 60 percent of the funds allocated will go to municipal governments as authorized by TCA 67-4-409. All land associated with the funded projects must be owned by a government entity. LPRF grant require an equal match. The Office of Outdoor Recreation administers the LPRF grants.
Recreational Trails Program (RTP)
The RTP program is a federally funded, state administered grant program that provides grant funding for land acquisition for trails, non-routine trail maintenance, trail construction, trail rehabilitation and for trail head support facilities. Local, state and federal land managing agencies are eligible to apply as well as state chartered, non-profit organizations with IRS 501 (c) (3) status that have a written agreement for trail management with an agency. All grant projects MUST be on land owned by a government entity. RTP grants are distributed in the form of an 80% grant with a 20% match based on the total project amount. The Office of Outdoor Recreation administers the LWCF grants in Tennessee.
Tennessee Recreation Initiative Program (TRIP)
The TRIP program is a state funded program that provides grant money to cities and counties who lack professional park and recreational directors and do not provide a comprehensive recreation delivery system in their community to assist with the establishment of the first Parks and Recreation Department. TRIP grants are a three-year commitment, $50,000 grant matched equally by the communities across year one and two, with $50,000 for year three being 100% funded by the Awarded Organization. The Office of Outdoor Recreation administers the TRIP grants.
Land and Water Conservation Funds (LWCF)
The LWCF program is a federal program that provides matching grants to states to administer to state and local governments for the acquisition and development of public outdoor recreation areas and facilities. All land associated with the funded projects must be owned by a government entity and an LWCF grant require an equal match. The Office of Outdoor Recreation administers the LWCF grants in Tennessee.
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