Park Accessibility

Regardless of your zip code, physical ability, or demographics; you and your family should be able to enjoy outdoor experiences close to home.

Access 2030 is an initiative for Tennessee to have the most accessible park system in the nation, welcoming and inviting for every Tennessean. This initiative is the catalyst for The State of Tennessee to become the most accessible outdoors state in the nation.

Major Progam Areas within Access 2030 Include:

  • Physical Accessibility – removing physical barriers to support more meaningful park experiences for all visitors.
  • Programming and Education – to provide safe, quality interpretive, educational, and recreational experiences for all park visitors.
  • Interpretive Media – better connecting people to our natural resources through interpretive technologies so more people can become park stewards.
  • Meaningful Employment Opportunities – supporting people with disabilities to have meaningful employment in the parks and recreation industry.

Access 2030 Initiative Highlights

Expand the accordions below to learn more.

Discover more about the accessible features, with detailed information on facilities and experiences for each park, at Tennessee State Parks.

For more information about our park accessibility program, please contact