Tennessee Celebrates Computer Science Education Week, Dec. 5-11
Increase Exposure in Computer Science Education for K-12 Students
Nashville, TN - This week, the Tennessee Department of Education is celebrating “Computer Science (CS) Education Week,” highlighting the importance of computer science education for K-12 students. Tennessee Governor Bill Lee proclaimed the week of December 5-11 as “Computer Science Education Week” in Tennessee, emphasizing the importance of inspiring K-12 students to embrace computer science education and the opportunities available within the field.
“Throughout this week, I am excited to celebrate Computer Science Education Week and encourage all our districts, schools, and community partners to join us as we highlight the direct impact computer science education has on our state’s economic future," said Commissioner Penny Schwinn. “Thanks to Governor Lee’s computer science law, every child in Tennessee will have access to computer science instruction that will build confidence in skills, creating more technological literacy across the state.”
In the 2022 Legislative Session, the Tennessee General Assembly unanimously passed the Chapter 979 of the Public Acts of 2022, ensuring all Tennessee school districts will implement new computer science requirements to ensure all students are fully prepared for the jobs of today and tomorrow.
Additionally, the department is partnering with the Tennessee STEM Innovation Network to host the Computer Science Momentum Expedition (CSME), which will be held in Nashville at Nissan Stadium on Tuesday, December 6. CSME will launch National Computer Science Education Week in Tennessee and will allow educators to learn more about Tennessee’s efforts to expand computer science interest and exposure for K-12 students.
Participants will be able to engage with industry leaders and learn more about computer science integration in all grades and across all content areas. This event will feature keynote speakers, field trips, door prizes, and more. The department encourages schools, educators, and districts to share their celebrations throughout the week on social media using #CSDrivesTN.
“Providing our students with learning opportunities and exposure to computer science is important for building interest and developing skills to work in the field,” said Dr. Jon Rysewyk, Director of Schools, Knox County Schools. “Not only is computer science education a pathway to high-paying jobs, but it also provides a solid foundation for life.”
“It is imperative that we increase access to computer science education in our schools. The demand for students with computer skills is increasing daily and outpacing the supply in our community,” said Lee Parkison, Director of Schools, McMinn County Schools. “Through Tennessee’s 'Reach Them All' initiative, we will equip and prepare our students with the technology skills needed so they can succeed in a rapidly evolving workforce.”
“As current educators, one of the most important tasks that we have is teaching students, starting at an early age, computer science and how its future relates to all aspects of their lives,” said Dr. Donnie Holman, Director of Schools, Overton County Schools. “The future employment of computer and informational technology is one of the fastest-growing occupations, and Public Chapter No. 979 will help to ensure that Overton County Schools are doing our part to fully prepare students for the jobs of today and the future.”
“Providing students access and exposure to technology helps prepare them for the future,” said Greg Martin, Director of Schools, McNairy County Schools. “Computer science education gives advantages to students as they navigate their paths through a world of ever-developing technologies.”
For more information about National Computer Science Week and opportunities to get involved, click this link. For more information on computer science, click here.
For Tennessee Department of Education media inquiries, contact Edu.MediaInquiries@tn.gov.