2015 Textbook Commission Meetings

Meeting and Workshop agendas, minutes, and related documents are available.

Meeting of State Textbook Commission, recognition of preliminary list of Textbooks and Instructional Materials Bid

Location: Room 16, Legislative Plaza, Nashville, TN


Meeting minutes

Start Time: 10:00 A.M. CST

  1. Introductions of Commission Members & Opening Remarks
    1. Dr. Craig Hammond, Chairman
  2. Revised 2014-16 Section A Adoption Schedule
    1. Monty Wilson, Deputy Director, Content and Resources, Tennessee Department of Education
  3. Bids Received for Cycle A Textbooks and Instructional Materials
    1. Monty Wilson, Tennessee Department of Education
  4. 2015 State Advisory Panelists
    1. Monty Wilson, Tennessee Department of Education
  5. Cycle A Textbooks and Instructional Materials Screening Instruments
    1. Thomas Gibney, Program Manager for Student Success, Division of Career and Technical Education, Tennessee Department of Education
  6. Publisher Corrective Action Plans
    1. Rebecca Wright, Policy and Communications Coordinator, Division of Curriculum and Instruction, Tennessee Department of Education
  7. March 23 Commission Meeting Agenda Items
    1. Rebecca Wright, Tennessee Department of Education

Adjourn for Lunch

1:30 p.m. Regular Meeting of the State Textbook and Instructional Materials Quality Commission

Download the workshop agenda

Start Time: 1:30 P.M. CST

  1. Welcome & Introductions
    1. Call to Order
      1. Dr. Craig Hammond, Chairman
    2. Roll Call
      1. Rebecca Wright, Policy and Communications Coordinator, Division of Curriculum and Instruction, Tennessee Department of Education
    3. Introductions of New Commission Members
      1. Dr. Craig Hammond, Chairman
    4. Opening Remarks
      1. Dr. Craig Hammond, Chairman
  2. Consent Items (Voice Vote)
    1. Adoption of Agenda
      1. Dr. Craig Hammond, Chairman
    2. Approval of Oct. 6, 2014 Meeting Minutes    
      1. Rebecca Wright, Tennessee Department of Education
  3. Presentations
    1. Acknowledgement of Section A Bids
      1. Monty Wilson, Tennessee Department of Education
    2. Acknowledgement of State Advisory Panelists
      1. Monty Wilson, Tennessee Department of Education
  4. Action Items (Roll Call Vote)
    1. Recommendation of Textbook and Instructional Materials Substitutions
      1. Monty Wilson, Deputy Director, Content and Resources, Tennessee Department of Education
    2. Approve the Textbook Contract
      1. Elizabeth Taylor, Staff Attorney, Tennessee Department of Education
    3. Approve the Textbook Publisher Assurances
      1. Elizabeth Taylor, Tennessee Department of Education
    4. Approve the Revised 2014-16 Section A Adoption Schedule
      1. Monty Wilson, Tennessee Department of Education
    5. Approve the Section A Textbook and Instructional Materials Screening Instruments
      1. Thomas Gibney, Program Manager for Student Success, Division of Career and Technical Education, Tennessee Department of Education
    6. Election of Chair
      1. Rebecca Wright, Tennessee Department of Education
  5. Announcements & Notices
    1. 2015 Textbook Schedule and Meeting Dates
      1. Monty Wilson, Tennessee Department of Education
  6. Other Business from the Commission
    1. Dr. Craig Hammond, Chairman
  7. Adjournment
    1. Dr. Craig Hammond, Chairman

Download the meeting agenda

Preliminary Adoption List (Section A) Presented at State Board of Education Meeting

Location TBA

Meeting of State Textbook Commission: Publisher Comments; Advisory Panel’s Final Reviews

Location: Room 16, Legislative Plaza, Nashville


Meeting minutes

Start Time 8:30 A.M. CDT

Textbook Commission Workshop Agenda*

  1. Introductions of New Staff & Opening Remarks
    Dr. Craig Hammond, Chairman
  2. Cycle A Update: State Review Process
    Dr. Tammy L. Shelton, Tennessee Department of Education
  3. Revised Textbook Adoption Cycle
    Dr. Tammy L. Shelton, Tennessee Department of Education
  4. September 18 Commission Meeting Agenda Items
    Dr. Tammy L. Shelton, Tennessee Department of Education

*The Textbook Commission Meeting will begin immediately after the workshop. The Commission will adjourn for lunch at the time announced during the workshop or meeting.

Textbook Commission Meeting Agenda

  1. Welcome & Introductions
    1. Call to Order
      Dr. Craig Hammond, Chairman
    2. Roll Call
      Dr. Vicki Kirk, Deputy Commissioner and Chief Academic Officer, Tennessee Department of Education
    3. Introductions of New Staff
      Dr. Craig Hammond, Chairman
    4. Opening Remarks
      Dr. Craig Hammond, Chairman
  2. Consent Items (Voice Vote)
    1. Adoption of Agenda
      Dr. Craig Hammond, Chairman
    2. Approval of April 20, 2015 Meeting Minutes
      Dr. Vicki Kirk, Commissioner’s Designee, Tennessee Department of Education
  3. Action Items (Roll Call Vote)
    1. Approve Susan Liverman as Recording Secretary
      Dr. Craig Hammond, Chairman
    2. Approve the Revised Textbook Adoption Cycle – First & Final Read
      Dr. Tammy L. Shelton, Tennessee Department of Education
    3. Approve Revised Textbook Commission Substitution Rule – First Read
      Dr. Tammy L. Shelton, Tennessee Department of Education
  4. Presentations
    1. Section A Advisory Panelists Reviews
      Dr. Tammy L. Shelton, Tennessee Department of Education
    2. Public Comments Submitted for Section A
      Dr. Tammy L. Shelton, Tennessee Department of Education
    3. Public Requests to Speak
      Dr. Craig Hammond, Chairman
      1. Ms. Susan Curlee, Franklin, Tennessee
      2. Mr. Hal Rounds, Somerville, Tennessee
  5. Announcements & Notices
    1. 2015 LEAD Conference Textbook Sessions
      Ms. Alison Gower, Director of Content, Tennessee Department of Education
    2. 2015 Textbook Schedule and Meeting Dates
      Ms. Alison Gower, Tennessee Department of Education
  6. Other Business from the Commission
    Dr. Craig Hammond, Chairman
  7. Adjournment
    Dr. Craig Hammond, Chairman

Download the agenda for the workshop & meeting

Meeting of State Textbook Commission: Recommendation of Books for Section A

Location: Room 16, Legislative Plaza, Nashville

Meeting minutes


Download meeting documents

Final Textbook Adoption List (Section A ) Presented at State Board of Education Meeting

Location: Rhodes College; Memphis, TN