TEIS Complaint Resolution
Families and children receiving TEIS services have rights under the IDEA to protect them. Families must be informed of these rights throughout their time receiving TEIS services so they can have an active role in the services provided to their family.
Parents and children participating in TEIS have specific rights to resolve disagreements related to their experience in early intervention. A parent or guardian has the right to three methods to resolve disputes:
Any person or organization can file a complaint if they believe an agency or person providing early intervention services has violated the IDEA’s requirements involving early intervention services. Parents of a child receiving early intervention services can file a written complaint when they disagree with anything related to the services their child and family are receiving. For example, families may file a complaint if their local early intervention system is not:
- doing something the team agreed to like conducting an assessment or providing a service;
- meeting important deadlines like determining eligibility and developing an IFSP in 45 days; or
- letting you look at your child's early intervention records.
Once your complaint is received, the department will review. Families will be given the opportunity to submit additional information, either verbally or in writing, about their complaint. They will be notified of the results of the review within 60 calendar days.
Families can submit administrative complaints via email to Kelly.L.Hyde@tn.gov. A model form is available below.
Disagreements can be worked out with the help of a mediator. Mediation is a process for resolving disagreements between families, early intervention services providers, and/or TEIS using a third party to help reach an agreement.
Families can submit a mediation request via email to Kelly.L.Hyde@tn.gov. A model form is available below.
Hearings are the most formal way to resolve disputes. An administrative judge hears from both parties and decides on the outcome.
Families can request a hearing if they disagree with a decision or action that affects their child’s identification, eligibility determination, placement, or the services their child receives. Families can submit a Due Process request via email to Kelly.L.Hyde@tn.gov. A model form is available below.
Related Policies
Additional policies related to dispute resolution can be found on the Guidance & Policy webpage.
Refer a child to TEIS
You may make a referral to TEIS by completing our online referral form or by calling (800) 852-7157. The referral form can also be found in the MyTN app, available on your app store.
Please be prepared to provide the child’s name, date of birth, county of residence, parent information (if someone other than the parent calls), and reason for referral.
Contact Our Referral Team
Email: DD.TEIS_Referrals@tn.gov (note the underscore between “TEIS” and “Referrals”)
Phone: (800) 852-7157
Fax: 615-401-7714