Reportable Event Management (REM)
Reportable Event Management (REM) is one important component of an overall approach for ensuring the health, safety, individual freedom, and quality of life of people participating in home and community-based services (HCBS) and ICF/IID services. REM in CHOICES, ECF CHOICES, Katie Beckett, 1915(c) waiver, and ICF/IID programs involves a partnership between TennCare, the Department of Disability and Aging (DDA), Managed Care Organizations (MCOs), Fiscal Employer Agents (FEAs) and providers of HCBS and/or ICF/IID services who all have a role in making REM an effective tool for ensuring the highest possible quality of life by honoring the self-determination of people receiving HCBS and ICF/IID services.
The overall REM approach must also ensure that people, involved family members, and/or natural supports, as appropriate, are informed about supporting dignity of choice, including informed decision making, tolerable risks, risk mitigation, and how to safely report an event that compromises the health, safety, individual freedom, and/or quality of life of a person supported.
The Abuse Registry for the State of Tennessee is maintained by the Tennessee Department of Health. The Abuse Registry includes names of persons who have abused, neglected, exploited or misappropriated the property of vulnerable persons. The names on the Abuse Registry are submitted for placement by Tennessee departments and agencies which oversee the protection and welfare of vulnerable persons. Names may also be submitted by law enforcement agencies. Under the Tennessee Code Annotated (T.C.A.) § 68-11-1004, no employee or volunteer whose name is listed on the Abuse Registry may be hired or otherwise permitted to provide services to “vulnerable persons”, as defined by T.C.A. § 68-11-1002(6).
When using the link below to check to see if a person’s name is on the Abuse Registry, we strongly recommend that you search by Social Security number.
Additional Registry Checks
The State operates a grievance/complaint system that allows participants the opportunity to register grievances or complaints concerning the provision of service(s) under the 1915(c), ECF CHOICES, and CHOICES benefit programs.
Contact info:
Rhonda Alston, CFS Coordinator
Yolanda Beason, CFS Coordinator
Our most frequently asked questions and answers.
What can I do if I am unhappy with my services provider?
First try to resolve issues directly with your provider. Often issues or problems can be resolved at the most direct level.
What can I do if I have made attempts to resolve issues with my service provider, but have been unsuccessful?
If you have made attempts to resolve issues or problems with your provider, but were unsuccessful you can call the Customer Focused Services (CFS) hotline at 1-833-696-2089 or email and file a complaint.
Should I call the Customer Focused Services hotline if I have witnessed abuse or neglect?
No. If you have witnessed abuse or neglect or have knowledge of this, you should immediately call the abuse toll free number and file a report.
DDA Abuse Hotline for reporting allegations is 888-633-1313
If I am an employee of a provider agency and I am having problems with the agency I work for, should I file a complaint with Customer Focused Services?
No. The DDA Customer Focused Services system is designed to assist persons supported, family members, conservators and legal guardians concerning service issues and problems. The State does not intervene in employee to employer issues.
How can I call the Director of Customer Focused Services if I have a question or problem?
The Director of the CFS unit can be reached at 423-552-3254, Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. CST to 3:30 p.m. CST. Please leave a message if unavailable.
If I file a complaint, how long will it take to resolve my issues?
Depending on the issue, if possible, the State will make every attempt to resolve your issue within 30 days. Occasionally an issue may require a longer period for resolution due to the nature and complexity of the issue.
How will I know if my complaint has been resolved?
If you had filed your complaint through the Department of Disability and Aging (DDA) you should receive a written confirmation of resolution through the mail. If you nave filed a complaint through DDA and have not received a response, contact a CFS Coordinator at 1-833-696-2089.
If I want to file a complaint, but I do not want anyone to know who or where the complaint came from, what should I do?
Anyone can file a complaint anonymously. Those responding to your issue will not disclose your identity if you request it.
What should I do if I file a complaint and the service provider who I filed a complaint against retaliates against me for filing the complaint?
Contact the CFS Coordinator at 1-833-696-2089.
Event management is an important component of an overall approach to ensuring the health, safety, individual freedom, and quality of life of people participating in home and community-based services (HCBS) and ICF/IID services. REM has established provider requirements, forms, and a reportable events database to ensure effective responses to events involving harm or risk of harm to persons supported, as well as preventative measures.
REM has established a clear set of definitions for events that are reportable to DDA, which includes abuse, neglect, and exploitation, as well as behavioral, medical, and other events. Providers shall be responsible for performing data collection and analysis for all reportable events and interventions in an effort to identify individual persons supported at significant risk of harm and general provider trends and patterns. The provider shall use this information towards reducing individual risk through processes such as Plans of Cares, Support Plans, Circle of Support, etc., as well as reducing general risk through the provider prevention plan process. DDA and the MCOs shall also identify general trends and patterns and develop outreach intended to prevent future harm while respecting and supporting dignity of choice.
General Questions about REM
Home and Community Based Waiver (HCBS) providers as well as Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) requested that DDA and TennCare together with stakeholders review the current critical incident management systems for the 1915 (c), Employment and Community First Choices Program and the CHOICES Programs taking the best each system had to offer and aligning them into one unified system across all waiver programs. The main motivation for this request was to alleviate the administrative burden to providers of having to work within three different systems all with their own unique reporting and investigative requirements. The critical event management group and specialized sub-groups consisting of members of DDA, TennCare, the MCOs and providers met over a two-year period to design the one aligned system.
The main benefit of a single system is to alleviate the administrative burden of agencies having to operate in different systems with different requirements for event reporting and investigations. A single system with one set of reporting requirements encompassing what is reportable, to what entity to report and one Reportable Event form across all systems will help to ensure that consistency and enhance the ability to track and trend events across the state to help prevent future events from occurring.
All HCBS Waiver programs will be required to use the Reportable Event Management System this includes all 1915(c) waiver programs, The Employment and Community Choices program, The CHOICES program, the Katie Beckett Waiver program and both public and private Intermediate Care Facilities for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/IID).
Information on REM on the new aligned system can be found here on this site.
Also, any questions that providers or stakeholders may have regarding the new system can be emailed to the REM dedicated mailbox at
The REM system is required for all providers who participate in 1915(c) waiver programs, The Employment and Community Choices program, The CHOICES program, the Katie Beckett Waiver program and both public and private Intermediate Care Facilities for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/IID).
Reporting will follow the Operational Protocol reporting requirements:
- For Tier 1 – verbal notification to the Abuse Hotline within 4 hours, APS/CPS/Law Enforcement as warranted, and submit the written REF by the next business day.
- For Tier 2 and Additional Reportable Events and/or Interventions, -submit the written REF submitted the next business day to both DDA and MCO
The role of the MCO Care Coordinator and Support Coordinator will be similar to the current CHOICES Critical Incident and ECF CHOICES Reportable Event Processes.
- Participate in Reportable Event Management training (internal per MCO) for a working understanding of the Operational Protocol and Definitions
- Participate in Reportable Event Form Training (to be located on DDA REM site)
- Understanding of the Provider Investigator role, Provider Reportable Event Review Team, and Due Process
- Contact Abuse Hotline and/or complete and submit Reportable Event Form as needed per reporting requirements to DDA and/or MCO per protocol
- Work with DDA and Provider Investigators on required documentation, ie. PCSP, BSP
- Provide support for person-supported as needed related to the Reportable Event according to their job description and MCO policies/procedures
- One change of note – All investigations, Tier 1 and Tier 2 will be conducted by DDA or Provider Investigator.
MCOs aren’t currently required to have a Certified Provider Investigator, however we have identified those associates who will participate in either the pilot or final PI training as we want to fully understand the process we’re asking of our providers. We do have assigned Reportable Event Managers who will have an active part with the review, tracking, trending, correspondence, and training of this process.
In ECF, providers have been completing investigations for Tier 2 events since ECF began. We’ve viewed this process as a way for providers the have the autonomy to effectively/appropriately identify and address areas of remediation to ensure quality supports are provided for those supported. Tier 2 Reportable events require a Certified Provider Investigator to complete the investigation aside from the few previously noted exceptions DDA will investigate in place of the provider. This process will continue with the alignment in all programs to for Tier 2 events.
Each Provider Executive Staff will determine who will fulfill the responsibilities of the Event management Coordinator and the Provider Investigator. This can be the same person but is not an expectation.
The role and responsibility of the Event management Coordinator and the Provider Investigator is included in the Reportable Event management protocol in the Resources Section of this webpage. Additionally, the Event Management Coordinators will have a specialized training in Relias. The Provider Investigator’s responsibilities will be detailed in the Provider Investigator training through the QuILTSS Institute.
Reportable Event Structure
Yes. There will be a new Reportable Event Form for the aligned system.
The REF was released approximately 2 weeks before the Go live Alignment Date. Communication was released to let everyone know that it is available. After its initial release, the current REF available at all times by clicking here.
Tier 1 Reportable Events: are the more egregious allegations. This includes alleged wrongful conduct by a service provider that resulted in harm to the person supported and required medical treatment or intervention (intervention definition as outlined in the REM definitions), all sexual abuse allegations, exploitation exceeding $1,000, and unexpected or unexplained deaths,
Tier 2 Reportable Events: are less egregious allegations. This includes alleged wrongful conduct by a service provider that did not result in harm to the person or a minor injury to the person supported, the person is not at continued risk of harm, exploitation valued at $250 to $1,000, or exploitation of the person. Tier 2 allegations are those events that do not require medical treatment or intervention other than that of a lay person.
For detailed list of Reportable Events and examples please see the REM Protocol.
DDA will conduct Tier 2 investigations for exempt providers. Providers who are exempt are persons supported that are the employers through self -direction or consumer direction and do not utilize a provider agency to provide services or Fiscal Employment Agent (FEA) and ancillary providers such as Home Improvement/Home Modification contractors, Pharmacy, Pest Control,
Behavioral Service, Nutritionist, Physical Therapist, Assistive Technology Providers or single person employers. Please review the REM Protocol for additional information on the process for Provider Request for Exception to Investigate and Parameters for determining when a provider is not permitted to conduct provider investigations.
All providers, excluding those providers listed above as being exempt, must have a Provider Investigator who has either completed the competency based QuILTSS Institute Provider Investigator Training or has achieved certification through the current LRA (Labor Relations Associates) training. Providers will be expected to interview both the alleged victim and the alleged staff, collect documentary or physical evidence, list the evidence they collected in a report form and draw a conclusion based on their evidence. The report and supporting evidence will be sent to DDA Investigations Specialist.
The Provider Investigator may conduct visual virtual interviews with the persons supported and the alleged staff. However, the witness must be afforded an in-person interview, if requested. Visual virtual interviews must permit the witness the privacy necessary for being interviewed, must include visual monitoring for the witness and investigator, and conducted via a secure platform, (example: Microsoft teams). The Provider Investigator should ensure that the alleged staff is not on duty at the time of the interview with the person supported as this could compromise the interview and comfort level of the person supported being interviewed.
A standard investigation template has been created and is available on the DDA REM Webpage.
The Initial Notifications will continue to be sent to the Provider involved in the allegation and the Support Coordinator/Case Manager Provider for Tier 1 and Tier 2 investigations.
The Investigative Summaries are still a part of the Tier 1 investigations and the Tier 2 investigations assigned to a DDA Investigator and will be sent to the Support Coordinator/Case Manager Provider. However, Investigative Summaries will not be a part of the Tier 2 investigations assigned to Provider Investigators.
The provider will complete the Action Plan for all substantiated Class 1 and Class 2 investigations. The Action Plan shall address each Informational Findings and late reporting discovered as a means of provider self-improvement.
Upon acceptance of the final investigative report, the provider will have an additional ten (10) days to complete the Action Plan, which will be tracked by the date in which the Final Investigative Report was closed. The provider will continue to discuss the outcome of the investigation with the person(s) supported and invite the person’s legal representative and/or primary contact, if any, to participate in this discussion.
The Action Plan shall include the following information:
- The procedures that have been implemented to mitigate future risks to the person, including steps to prevent similar occurrences in the future;
- Verification that the substantiated perpetrator(s) was notified of the outcome of the investigation;
- A statement of what, if any, disciplinary action, training, reassignment, or any other remediation occurred as a result of the findings of the investigation;
- A response to any informational findings contained in the investigation report.
The DDA Regional Event Management Coordinator (EMC) and respective MCO(s) will review the Action Plan, which shall include any concerns or issues identified. DDA Regional EMC will include the respective MCO when asking for any additional information within 10 calendar days if the Action Plan submitted does not sufficiently address the identified concerns. The provider has ten (10) calendar days to provide the additional information. The DDA Regional EMC or designee has forty-five (45) calendar days from the date of closure (release of the Final Investigative Report) to provide a Closure Letter.
If allegations were not substantiated, an Action Plan is not required. For both substantiated and unsubstantiated investigations, providers must ensure that informational findings are acted upon in a timely manner. DDA or the MCO can request follow-up action to unsubstantiated Informational Findings, to include Late Reporting.
The provider is not restricted to regional boundaries. For example, a provider investigator in the Middle region may also investigate Tier 2 events in East and West.
Provider Questions
Yes, all agencies must update their policies and procedures to align with the new REM system prior to the implementation date.
Provider Investigator Training in Labor Relations Alternatives (LRA)
The REM Group comprised of DDA, TennCare, and the Managed Care Organizations are pleased to announce a new training platform for Provider Investigators. We have contracted with Labor Relations Alternatives (LRA) to be the official training partner for both Provider and State Investigators. LRA is a national leader in providing training and consultation in the development of incident management systems and conducting investigations for human service agencies and oversight entities. LRA has developed a virtual training platform that will allow for their nationally recognized in-person training to be done in an online forum. The three-day training will be taught by LRA certified DDA Investigators and will come at no cost to providers. On the fourth day, Provider and State Investigators will be required to take the LRA online exam and a subsequent REM Tier 2 Training (formerly the DDA One-Day Training), which will also be virtual. After successfully passing the LRA exam and completion of the REM Tier 2 Training, the Provider Investigator will have successfully completed the certification process.
Beginning in January, 2023 we will resume taking registration requests for the LRA training, utilizing the same process as the previous QuiLTSS Institute training. This link will take the provider to the registration page. DDA will monitor the registrations and ensure all required backgrounds checks have been completed.If you were previously certified through QuiLTSS Institute or have submitted your LRA certification by the deadline previously announced during the initial rollout of the QuiLTSS Institute training, you will not need to attend the LRA training to become a Certified Provider Investigator. Please send any questions you might have to
Registration can be completed at Provider Investigator Registration Form - Formstack
Prior to approval, DDA will conduct background checks to ensure the applicant is in good standing. The following background checks will be conducted:
State Abuse Registry:
Sate Sexual Offender Registries:
National Sexual Offender Registries:
State Felony Offender (FOIL):
Services Office of Inspector General's List of Excluded Individuals/Entities (OIG/LEIE):
Systems for Award Management (SAM),
Substantiated Investigations Records Inquiry (SIRI)
Anyone that the provider chooses may be the Provider Investigator if the background checks have no findings. It is anticipated that the PI will serve in more than one role within a provider and not be solely assigned to conduct Tier 2 Investigations.
There is no cost to the provider.
LRA Training sessions began on 1/9/23. You can register at Provider Investigator Registration Form - Formstack. You will receive a confirmation email from DDA after your registration form has been processed
Yes, the intent of the One Aligned system was to meet the needs for all programs within the intellectual and developmental disabilities community.
The Provider Investigator training is one time. Should there be revisions based on CMS, IOG, TCA, TennCare or other regulatory body, DDA will provide this training or in-service as needed and in a format necessary to complete the training effective, timely , and at the least expense. While there is no anticipated annual in-service, it is not unreasonable to believe that additional training or instructions would be needed at a future date.
Providers such as Independent Support Coordinators, Behavioral Services, Nutrition, Physical Therapy, Home Improvement or Modification type providers that are engaging with person supported but not the primary provider will be excluded. Investigations related to witnesses or alleged staff are involving multiple providers. Also, Self-Determination and Fiscal Employment Agents waivers are excluded as the person supported is the employer and alleged victim.
Neither State nor Private ICF/IIDs are Exempt or excluded, they are required to have a Provider investigator. State and Private ICF/IID providers are required to complete the investigations within 5 business days due to federal requirements instated by the Center for Medicaid Services. All other providers will have 25 calendar days to complete an investigation.
In developing the Alignment with Providers, MCOs, TennCare; we recognized that there are several providers that have nominal reportable events that warrant a Tier 2 Investigation. For that reason, it was agreed upon that provider could have a Business Associate Agreement and utilize a provider Investigator from another provider agency. In doing so, this would be an option for addressing cost.
Only persons employed by a contracted provider may conduct Tier 2 investigations. Once you have identified the provider with whom you wish to contract the use of their certified Provider Investigator, this will require the same process as any other Business Associate Agreement (BAA). The agreement must address Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and Title 33. All BAAs shall be submitted to The BAA must include the identified Provider Investigator(s) selected. Presently, there is not a list of staff that are eligible to be Provider Investigators. We are still receiving information and supporting documentation from Providers for staff that have completed the Labor Relations Alternative course. Once a provider has been identified as eligible to conduct Tier 2 investigations and has a certified Provider Investigator, the Provider will be posted on the DDA REM website. This list will be updated regularly as to a Provider’s status. At this time, no Providers have been identified as this is the initial phase of the Provider Investigator roll out.
I know previously with Critical Incidents reporting, we just completed the form and sent it in to the Critical Incident team. We conducted our investigation and then submitted the follow up report to the CI team.
Yes, you will need to have Certified Provider Investigator trained to conduct these investigations in the future as part of the Alignment process or have a business associate agreement with another provider who has a Certified Provider Investigator to conduct these investigation for your agency.
REM Training in Relias
Event Management Alignment for Executive and Management Staff is 1.5-3 hours. Event Management for Direct Care Professionals is 1.5 hours
There are 2 trainings in Relias at this time:
Event Management Alignment for Executive and Management Staff: This training is for Executive and Management staff responsible for oversight of the Reportable Event Management system. For most agencies this will include the Executive Director and Event Management Coordinator. The training is in the DDA Relias platform for all service providers including Employment Community First Choices program, The Choices Program, 1915c Waiver programs, The Katie Beckett Waiver, and Intermediate Care Facilities Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities providers (ICF). This training is a review of the Reportable Event Management protocol and details the responsibilities and role of the executive staff and Reportable Event Coordinator for every Waiver or ICF provider.
Yes. This training covers all MCOs, DDA, and ICF/IID requirements for the Reportable Event Management System.
Yes, if you are responsible for the Executive Director, Management Oversight, Event Management Coordinator, or responsible for completing Reportable Event Forms. There is a Reportable Event Form Training Spreadsheet for Relias Enrollment form on the webpage. This form should be submitted to
This is information is available here.
No, they will be able to view the Event Management for Direct Care Professionals video once available.
Additionally, there will be Train the Trainer course for those providers that cannot utilize the Relias system for Reportable Event Form Training. This training has not been developed yet.
This is a one-time training. However, the user will be able to return to Relias to review the material as needed. This is an important feature for those smaller providers or providers that have few reportable events as there may be substantial time between reporting events.
There is no cost to the provider to utilize the DDA Relias training system.
DDA has requested the identities for 2 staff, preferably the Executive Director or designee and Event Management Coordinator or previously known as the Incident Management Coordinator. The identified parties will be the providers points of contact for Reportable Event Management. This information will also be utilized to provide access to a statewide data management system once created. At this time, DDA does not have a management system that providers can enter Reportable Event Forms directly into and real time. The Department is actively pursuing the development of a system, but at this time no details are available to share.
REFs or data entry into a data system will not be expected until a “go live” date has been set and a data system is in place and training completed.
Training on the Reportable Event Form and what is required to be reported will be held in Relias.
In this specific situation, if a person supported went to the Urgent Care, it would be reportable as a Reportable Medical Event, as well as a Reportable Intervention. Part of the definition of a Reportable Medical Event shall mean an event that occurs during the delivery of services or discovered during the delivery of services, outside of a diagnosed chronic condition, which requires assessment and treatment in an emergency room or urgent care facility.
In this specific situation, if a person supported went to the Urgent Care, it would be reportable as a Reportable Medical Event, as well as a Reportable Intervention. Part of the definition of a Reportable Medical Event shall mean an event that occurs during the delivery of services or discovered during the delivery of services, outside of a diagnosed chronic condition, which requires assessment and treatment in an emergency room or urgent care facility.
DSP Training
New hires will need to complete the REM training within the first 30 days of employment or before working alone with a person supported.
The Reportable Event Management Investigations Unit conducts internal administrative investigations into allegations of abuse, neglect, exploitation, unexplained serious injuries and questionable or suspicious deaths for people who receive services through the Department of Disability and Aging (DDA). The Investigations unit does not conduct criminal investigations. If the alleged abuse, neglect, or exploitation is a criminal act, the investigations unit will report the allegation to law enforcement.
DDA defines abuse, neglect, and exploitation as:
Abuse – the knowing infliction of injury, unreasonable confinement, intimidation or punishment with resulting physical harm, pain, or mental anguish
Neglect – failure to provide goods or services necessary to avoid physical harm, mental anguish or mental illness, which results in injury or probable risk of serious harm
Exploitation – the deliberate misplacement, misappropriation or wrongful, temporary, or permanent use of belongings or money with or without consent.
If persons receiving services, families, staff, community citizens, etc., know about or suspect abuse, neglect, or exploitation involving a person receiving services, they may report directly to the Investigations Unit 24 hours a day. Staff persons for Providers contracted with DDA are required to report within 4 hours of observation or discovery of abuse, neglect, exploitation, unexplained serious injury, or questionable or suspicious death.
The DDA Abuse Hotline for reporting allegations is 888-633-1313
West Tennessee
Charles Taylor,
Investigations Coordinator
Middle Tennessee
Libby Cowan,
Investigations Coordinator
East Tennessee
Christie Campbell,
Investigations Coordinator
Central Office
Amy Purcell, Director of Investigations
The DDA Investigations Follow-Up Unit is responsible for reviewing investigation reports submitted by DDA Investigators and Provider Investigators to ensure effective responses to events involving harm or risk of harm to persons supported. The DDA Investigations Follow-Up Unit shall determine the necessity for any follow-up review needed. The provider will complete the Action Plan for all substantiated allegations, both Class I and Class II. Following the closure of the Final Investigative Report, the provider will have ten (10) business days to draft an Action Plan and submit it to the DDA Investigations Follow-Up Unit and the respective MCO. The Action Plan shall address each Informational Finding and late reporting discovered as a means of provider self- improvement. During this time, the provider will continue to discuss the outcome of the investigation with the person(s) supported and invite the person’s legal representative and/or primary contact, if any, to participate in this discussion.
The Action Plan shall include the following information:
- The procedures that have been implemented to mitigate future risks to the person, including steps to prevent similar occurrences in the future;
- Verification that the substantiated perpetrator(s) was notified of the outcome of the investigation;
- A statement of what, if any, disciplinary action, training, reassignment, or any other remediation occurred as a result of the findings of the investigation; and
- A response to any informational findings contained in the investigation report.
Once the DDA Investigations Follow-Up Unit and the respective MCO(s) receive the drafted Action Plan, which shall include any concerns or issues identified, DDA and the respective MCO will have five (5) calendar days to determine if the drafted Action Plan sufficiently addresses all the identified concerns from the Final Investigative Report. If, within those five (5) days, the DDA Investigations Follow-Up Unit and/or MCO(s) determine additional information is needed, the Provider will be notified and have ten (10) calendar days from that notification to provide the additional requested information. Action Plans must be performed to completion prior to the closure letter being sent, which is forty-five (45) calendar days from the Final Investigative Report being issued.
If allegations were not substantiated, an Action Plan is not required. For both substantiated and unsubstantiated investigations, providers must ensure that informational findings are acted upon in a timely manner. DDA or the MCO can request follow-up action to unsubstantiated Informational Findings, including late reporting.
West Tennessee
Sharon D. Miller
Investigations Follow-Up Coordinator, West
(731) 422-2682
Middle Tennessee
Susan Fuller
Investigations Follow-Up Coordinator, Middle
(615) 884-6092
East Tennessee
Regina Lewellyn
Investigations Follow-Up Coordinator, East
(865) 594-5898
Director of Investigations Follow-Up
Sandy Crabtree
(615) 231-5478
- Alignment Training Curriculum (presentation)
- REM Training Grid
- Reportable Event Training (REF Instructions & Definitions)
- List of Non-DSP Service Providers and Requirements
- Optional - Direct Care Staff Alignment Training (YouTube Video)
- Optional - REM Alignment Training for Executive Staff and Management Oversight
- Reportable Event Management - EMC Training
- Tier 1 & Tier 2 - Actions Plans (Flowchart presentation)
- Provider Reportable Event Review Team Guidance
RELIAS Administrator Training for Providers
DDA Relias Global Administrators are currently hosting Relias Administrator Training. The designated Provider Administrator will be responsible for administering/assigning train to all the provider’s staff within the Relias system. This will be for Reportable Event Management trainings and any additional training developed or available within Relias. DDA Training Staff cannot perform this task for providers in bulk uploads as the deadline for submission has passed. Please contact the DDA Relias Help Desk for more information on Becoming A DDA Relias Administrator submit correspondence to
Provider Investigator Training
The REM Group comprised of DDA, TennCare, and the Managed Care Organizations are pleased to announce a new training platform for Provider Investigators. We have contracted with Labor Relations Alternatives (LRA) to be the official training partner for both Provider and State Investigators. LRA is a national leader in providing training and consultation in the development of incident management systems and conducting investigations for human service agencies and oversight entities. LRA has developed a virtual training platform that will allow for their nationally recognized in-person training to be done in an online forum. The three-day training will be taught by LRA certified DDA Investigators and will come at no cost to providers. On the fourth day, Provider and State Investigators will be required to take the LRA online exam and a subsequent REM Tier 2 Training (formerly the DDA One-Day Training), which will also be virtual. After successfully passing the LRA exam and completion of the REM Tier 2 Training, the Provider Investigator will have successfully completed the certification process.
Beginning in January, 2023 we will resume taking registration requests for the LRA training, utilizing the same process as the previous QuiLTSS Institute training. This link will take the provider to the registration page. DDA will monitor the registrations and ensure all required backgrounds checks have been completed.
If you were previously certified through QuiLTSS Institute or have submitted your LRA certification by the deadline previously announced during the initial rollout of the QuiLTSS Institute training, you will not need to attend the LRA training to become a Certified Provider Investigator. Please send any questions you might have to
Should you choose to contract with another provider to utilize their certified Provider Investigator, you will be required to follow the same process as any other Business Associate Agreement (BAA). The agreement must address Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and Title 33. All BAAs shall be submitted to The BAA must include the identified Provider Investigator(s) selected.
Provider List Legend for Naming Convention |
This means DDA has not received an application for 1-Day Provisional or TQI (The QuILTSS Institute) training from the provider and the provider expressed to DDA/MCO that they did not want to participate in the REM system. |
This applies to providers that are exempt from having a DDA approved Provider Investigator. Providers within this category include, but are not limited to, meal delivery, pharmacies, support coordination, mobility, therapies, etc. |
This means that the provider has a staff member that has completed the DDA 1-Day Provisional training and have been registered to attend the QuILTSS Institute. They may conduct Tier 2 Investigations while completing the Provider Investigator training in the QuILTSS platform. |
This means that the provider has a person identified to attend the QuILTSS Institute. However, they have not attended or successfully completed the required DDA 1-Day Provisional Investigator training and cannot conduct any investigations. |
This identifies providers who have registered a staff member to attend DDA 1-Day Provisional Investigator training during January 2022. |
This denotes a provider who is a single-placement and is not required to have a Provider Investigator on staff. The State will conduct these Tier 2 investigations. |
This denotes that the provider has a DDA approved investigator on staff and has met all requirements for compliance with the REM Provider Investigator. |
This means DDA has not received an application for the DDA 1-Day Provisional Investigator training from the provider. |
How Does Reportable Medical Work?
REM Alignment Training for Executive Staff and Management Oversight
Partner Program Updates (TennCare)
Note: This is a copy of the training provided in Relias. Training must still be completed through Relias or your Train-the-Trainer to receive credit.
Provider Request for Exception from Staff Removal during an Investigation
Request for Investigation Review
REM System Alignment Presentation - January 28, 2021
REM System Alignment WebEx Recording - January 28, 2021
REM System Alignment Presentation - February 25, 2021
REM System Alignment WebEx Recording - February 25, 2021
REM System Alignment Questions and CHOICES Forum Webex Recording - March 11, 2021
· FAQ's from Alignment Questions and CHOICES Forum - March 11, 2021
REM Alignment Forum from March 24, 2021
· FAQ's from Alignment Forum - March 24, 2021
REM Alignment Forum from April 22, 2021
· FAQ's from Alignment Forum - April 22, 2021
REM Alignment Forum from May 6, 2021
· FAQ's from Alignment Forum - May 6, 2021
REM Alignment Forum from May 20, 2021
· FAQ's from Alignment Forum - May 20, 2021
REM Alignment Forum from June 3, 2021
· FAQ's from Alignment Forum - June 3, 2021
REM CHOICES Only Forum from June 17, 2021
· FAQ's from CHOICES Only Forum - June 17, 2021
REM Alignment Forum from July 1, 2021
· FAQ's from Alignment Forum - July 1, 2021
REM Alignment Forum from July 15, 2021
· FAQ's from Alignment Forum - July 15, 2021
· PRERT Behavioral Event Review Guidance Tool
· PRERT Behavior Data Tracking Spreadsheet
REM Alignment Forum from July 29, 2021
· FAQ's from Alignment Forum - July 29, 2021
REM Alignment Forum from August 12, 2021
· FAQ's from Alignment Forum - August 12, 2021
REM Alignment Forum from August 26, 2021
· FAQ's from Alignment Forum - August 26, 2021
REM Alignment Forum from September 9, 2021
· FAQ's from Alignment Forum - September 9, 2021
REM Alignment Forum from September 23, 2021
· FAQ's from Alignment Forum - September 23, 2021
REM Alignment Forum from October 7, 2021
DDA Reportable Event Form
- Reportable Event Form Submission Link
- For the Reportable Event Form - Instructions and Definitions see the Training.
- REF Submission Guidelines
Contact Information
Jason Allen, Director of Event Management
Department of Disability and Aging
UBS Tower, 8th Floor
315 Deaderick Street, Nashville, TN 37243
(615) 532-2727
Elizabeth DuHack, Director of Reportable Events
Department of Disability and Aging
UBS Tower, 8th Floor
315 Deaderick Street, Nashville, TN 37243
Donna Nichols, Assistant Director of Reportable Events
Department of Disability and Aging
UBS Tower, 8th Floor
315 Deaderick Street, Nashville, TN 37243
Amy Purcell, Director of Investigations
520 W. Summit Hill Drive, Suite 201
Knoxville, TN 37902
(865) 594-9331
(865) 712-4370 cell
(844) 393-9115 fax
Amanda Ross, Assistant Director of Investigations
Lowell Thomas State Office Building
225 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
Fourth Floor, Tower B
Jackson, TN 38301
731.426.1824 fax
Tiffani Waldo-Alley, Investigations Trainer Coordinator
Department of Disability and Aging
UBS Tower, 8th Floor
315 Deaderick Street Nashville, TN 37243
Holly Martin, Director of Quality and Accountability
Division of TennCare, Health Care Finance & Administration
310 Great Circle Rd., Nashville, TN 37243