Quality Contacts Initiative
"Quality Contacts are purposeful interactions between caseworkers and children, youth, parents, foster parents and other team members that reflect engagement, contribute to assessment and case planning processes."
-Quality Matters: Defining Quality Contacts, Capacity Building Center
Child welfare best practices rely heavily on quality contacts between caseworkers and children, youth, parents, out-of-home caregivers and other case members such as extended family, service providers, and courts (CASA, attorney’s and GALs). When concerted efforts are made by caseworkers, it ensures child safety, supports permanency, and promotes well-being of families. It is the goal of DCS to improve the quality of contacts through global assessment, integrated assessment and thoughtful services planning that tracks and adjusts based on the needs of the family.
Concerted Efforts
Caseworker concerted efforts are visible in interviews or documentation that the worker each month demonstrated:
- Engagement of the case participants in discussions (informal assessment) to gather global assessment information, which is then used to guide formal assessment and integrated into case practice.
- Took time to prepare families and teams prior to CFTMs, FCRBs, court and other important events.
- Engagement of parents in case planning that is intentionally guided by assessment information gathered.
- Follow-up with families using a variety of strategies to engage them in active participation in services, identifying barriers to success and overcoming obstacles.
- Reinforce family strengths, accomplishments and facilitate lasting change.
Course Overview and Resources
All sessions marked with * are separated by programs including Non-Custodial (CPSA, CPSI, FCIP, and FSS), Custodial, and Juvenile Justice.
Small Test of Change Worksheet
Intro to Quality Contacts: for all caseload carrying staff and supervisors of caseload carrying staff. This session is a pre-requisite for all other sessions in the series.
Quality Contacts Introduction PowerPoint (PDF)
Supervising for Quality Contacts Coaching Session: for all supervisors of caseload carrying staff
Supervising Quality Contacts PowerPoint (PDF)
Documenting Quality Contacts Coaching Session*: for all caseload carrying staff and supervisors of caseload carrying staff
Focus on Documentation PowerPoint (PDF)
Caseworker and Child/Youth Quality Contacts Coaching Session*: for all caseload carrying staff and supervisors of caseload carrying staff
Caseworker and Child PowerPoint (PDF) (Foster Care, CPS, and Non-custodial)
Caseworker and Child PowerPoint (PDF) (JJ)
Meaningful Visits with Children of Any Age
Roles and Responsibilities for Visitation
FAQs about Parent-Child Visits
Caseworker and Parents Quality Contacts Coaching Session*: for all caseload carrying staff and supervisors of caseload carrying staff
Caseworker/Parent PowerPoint (PDF)
Caseworker and Out of Home Caregivers Quality Contacts Coaching Session*: for all caseload carrying staff and supervisors of caseload carrying staff
Caseworker and Out of Home Caregiver PowerPoint (PDF)
Working with Kinship Caregivers
Parent-Child Visitation Quality Contacts Coaching Session*: for all caseload carrying staff and supervisors of caseload carrying staff
Parent-Child Visitation PowerPoint (PDF)
Visitation Observation Checklist
Separated Siblings Quality Contacts: for all custodial case manager series staff and supervisors
Sibiling Visits PowerPoint (PDF)
Focus on Assessment*: for all caseload carrying staff and supervisors of caseload carrying staff