Tennessee Correction Academy Outreach Programs
Academy Outreach Programs
In addition to its primary mission, the academy prides itself upon being a "good neighbor" to the local community. It contributes over $1 million annually into the local area economy through the provision and purchase of services. Some examples are:
- Securing and implementing professional development training of academy staff.
- Contracting specialized cleaning/maintenance services.
- Conservation of public resources.
- Participating in statewide and local recycling programs.
- Generating revenue by providing specialized training to outside agencies.
- Each pre-service class is encouraged to select a local charity to contribute to as a class project.
- Students and staff routinely participate in blood drives.
As a result of academy staff efforts, we have developed alliances with local federal and state agencies in order to provide resources and share opportunities for mutual professional growth.
We have been designated by the American Red Cross as a primary area emergency shelter and we provide space and facilities for local chapters of the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and similar youth organizations for special events/activities.
The academy has developed a Command Post that will be used for actual emergencies as well as training our department to become familiar with the Incident Command System. With the establishment of this Command Post, we have entered into a relationship with the Coffee County Emergency Management Agency and an agreement with Coffee County so that they will be able to utilize our Command Post for their alternate Emergency Operation Center in the event their primary EOC is damaged or there is an emergency in this area necessitating its use. The emergency service coordinator for Coffee County has been invaluable in providing information and resources to the academy to assist us in our endeavors.
Our staff are highly involved in the local community and are often called upon to give speeches and training presentations for local schools and civic organizations.
We are a recipient of the Private Industry Council's "Community Partnership Award."