December 16, 2020
9:00 am
This meeting is a virtual meeting. Phone Line: 415-655-0003 Access Code: 178 915 4116 Join Via Webex: https://bit.ly/3nbBFGW
Pursuant to Policy 1.200 - Commission Meetings, each regular and special-called Commission meeting shall provide for the opportunity for public comment. Requests to speak at the Commission meeting must be received by 4 pm Central Time on the business day immediately preceding the Commission meeting. Please complete this form to request to speak at the December 16, 2020 Commission meeting.
I. Welcome
Tom Griscom, Commission Chair
A. Roll Call
B. Review of Agenda
C. Approval of Prior Minutes
II. Public Comment
III. Report: Rules & Policy Committee
Terence Patterson, Committee Chair
A. First Reading: Policy 1.100 – Commission Members
B. First Reading: LEA Policies
1. 1100 Adoption of Policies
2. 1106 Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest
3. 1200 Grievances and Complaints
4. 1407 Public Records
5. 1408 Records Retention
6. 1800 School Calendar
7. 1801 Special Education
8. 1802 ADA and Section 504
9. 1803 Smoke Free Environment
10. 1808 Registered Sex Offenders
11. 1900 Accountability of TPCSC and Charter Schools
12. 4206 Homebound Instruction
13. 4207 English Learners
14. 4209 Alternative Credit Options
15. 4210 Credit Recovery
16. 5104 Employee Rights
17. 5106 Application and Employment
18. 5114 Personnel Records
19. 5118 Background Investigations
20. 5400 Employee Health
21. 5610 Staff Student Relations
22. 5701 Substitute Teachers
23. 5911 Differentiated Pay
C. Final Reading: Public Records Request Rule
IV. Report: Business Operations Committee
Tom Griscom, Committee Chair
A. FY 2021 Budget to Actuals Update
V. Charter Agreements for Approval
Ashley Thomas, General Counsel
A. Nashville Collegiate Prep
1. Charter Agreement
2. Exhibit 1. Approved Charter Application
3. Exhibit 2. Policy 4.700 Performance Framework
4. Exhibit 3. Pre-Opening Checklist
5. Exhibit 4. Waivers
B. Cornerstone Prep School
1. Charter Agreement
2. Exhibit 1. Approved Charter Application
3. Exhibit 2. Policy 4.700 Performance Framework
4. Exhibit 3. Pre-Opening Checklist
5. Exhibit 4. Waivers
VI. Charter Commission Committee Discussion
Tom Griscom, Committee Chair
VII. Executive Director Updates and Renewal Appeal Timeline
Tess Stovall, Executive Director
VIII. Commission Training: Sample Revocation Appeal
Tess Stovall, Executive Director
IX. Commission Training: Authorizer Evaluations
Ali Gaffey, Interim Director of Charter Schools, State Board of Education
X. Closing Discussion and Adjournment
Tom Griscom, Commission Chair
Upcoming Charter Commission Meeting Dates
February 5, 2021
April 9, 2021
July 13, 2021
October 12, 2021