Waste Notices & Hearings

Public Participation Opportunities

Upcoming Public Hearings & Meetings: 

Each hearing listed below has a direct link to the online WebEx Meeting and a link to a sign-in form. A telephone number and passcode are provided in the public notice document for anyone who cannot participate via a computer. Please use the sign-in form to register your attendance and/or submit a comment to be read by the hearing moderator during the hearing. Registration on the sign-in form is not mandatory, but it will assist the Division in our ability to relay our Notice of Decision to those who provide comments during the Public Comment period and/or provide testimony at the hearing. Registration also documents your attendance at the public hearing for the purpose of securing appeal rights. People who attend the hearing by phone and who are not able to register online will be given the opportunity to confirm their participation during the hearing. Your participation is appreciated.  

Date Time Public Notice Location Virtual Hearing
12/16/24 6:30 PM (EDT) Gateway View, LLC Edney Innovation Center  
6:00 PM (EDT) Loudon County Landfill 2480 Highway 72 N.  
8/29/24 6:00 PM (EDT) TestAmerica Laboratories, Inc. 5815 Middlebrook Pike Hearing Recording 
8/26/24 6:00 PM (CDT) Clean Harbors Tennessee, LLC Greenbrier City Hall Hearing Recording 

Hazardous Waste Public Hearing recording are available to view after the hearing via the links listed in the notices. 

Virtual Participation Instructions and Guidance

(For participation in public meetings/hearings virtually)

Please note that you may also participate in public hearings by telephone. Call-in information for each hearing, as well as a number to call during the hearing for technical assistance, is provided in each public notice.

The Division of Solid Waste Management (DSWM) recognizes the importance of public input in the permitting process. Public notices are used to advise the public about new applications, tentative and final permit decisions, and opportunities for the public to provide input into the decision making process. Public notices may be placed in local newspapers, and radio stations may be used to broadcast a notice.

Members of the public can also request to have notices sent directly to their attention. DSWM maintains the Solid/Hazardous Waste Management Mailing List for this purpose. To be added to the mailing list, please complete and submit a Mailing List Request form (CN-0837). If you have any questions concerning this form, you may contact the Division of Solid Waste Management at Solid.Waste@tn.gov or 615-532-0780.

Additional information about the facilities and permits addressed by these notices may be found in the Solid Waste Management Dataviewer.

Data Viewer Note: Internet Explorer is no longer supported for our Data Viewer applications. Please use one of the following browsers: Chrome, Fire Fox or Edge.

If it is hard for you to read, speak, or understand English, please see our Language Assistance webpage for more information about our free language assistance services.

  • November 14, 2023
    • *Public Rulemaking Hearing to be Held January 9, 2024, in Nashville and via Microsoft Teams*
      The Division of Solid Waste Management has filed a Notice of Rulemaking Hearing with the TN Secretary of State's office. DSWM proposes to amend Chapter 0400-11-01, Solid Waste Processing and Disposal. A redlined version of the rules and a signed copy is available to assist public review. Comments are due by January 12, 2020 at 4:30 pm CST. The hearing will be held at 10:00 AM CST in the Third Floor Conference Rooms A of the William R. Snodgrass Tennessee Tower 312 Rosa L. Parks Avenue, Nashville, TN 37243 and there will also be computer conferenced via Microsoft Teams with citizens across the state.
  • No public notices of interest are available at this time.
Breanna Couey

This Page Last Updated: February 5, 2025 at 8:45 AM