Nashville Environmental Field Office

711 R.S. Gass Blvd, Nashville, TN 37216 | Phone: (615) 687-7000 | FAX: (615) 687-7078
Counties Served
Cheatham, Davidson, Dickson, Houston, Humphreys, Montgomery, Robertson, Rutherford, Stewart, Sumner, Trousdale (Division of Water Resources served by Cookeville EFO), Williamson, Wilson
Interested in TDEC news affecting the Nashville Region?
If you are uncertain who to contact, please call our main line at (615) 687-7000 and the receptionist will direct your call.
External Affairs
The Office of External Affairs serves as TDEC's primary point of contact for the general public and stakeholders in a respective region and serves as the public outreach arm for the Commissioner's Office.
Deputy Director:
Tara Pedraza
(931) 287-7995
Administrative Services
Administrative staff supports all divisions within the Nashville Field Office, and also provides space and facilities management and inner-office human resource needs.
The administrative staff are also responsible for coordinating all Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), public records requests. TDEC also has several public data viewers that may help narrow down your request.
If you are unable to locate the information you are looking for on one of the TDEC online data viewer databases, you may submit an information request for any division using the following link:
Michele M. Irion
(615) 236-5947
Air Pollution Control
Our mission statement is as follow:
The Division of Air Pollution Control’s mission is to maintain and improve air quality to protect the health and welfare of Tennesseans through monitoring, regulatory activities and education in a manner that promotes maximum employment and economic growth.
- View the Air Pollution Control Permits and Inspections Viewer - Data Viewer Note: Internet Explorer is no longer supported for our Data Viewer applications. Please use one of the following browsers: Chrome, Fire Fox or Edge.
Metro Government and Davidson County Air Pollution Control is the program responsible for promoting the physical health and welfare of the public by protecting and enhancing the quality of the ambient air in Nashville (Davidson County), Tennessee. Questions or concerns regarding Metro and Davidson County should be addressed to this division.
For burn permits please contact the Tennessee Department of Agriculture, visit their website at Burn Safe TN or call the phone number for the correct county.
Bill McCabe
(615) 687-7046
Mineral & Geologic Resources
The Division of Mineral and Geologic Resources is responsible for ensuring the environmentally sound management, protection and documentation of the state’s mineral, land and energy resources for all Tennesseans and future generations. DMGR is the regulatory authority for Mining and Oil & Gas within the state. In addition, DMGR houses the Abandoned Mine Land Program and the Tennessee Geological Survey.
View the Mineral & Geologic Resources Dataviewer
Abandoned Mine Lands/Land Reclamation:
Trevor Martin
(865) 207-8995
Geological Survey:
Peter Lemiszki
(865) 594-5596
Daniel Lawrence
(865) 803-1206
Oil & Gas:
George Stephens
(865) 221-3214
Radiological Health, X-Ray and Radioactive Material Inspections
The Division of Radiological Health is responsible for protecting Tennesseans and the environment from the hazards associated with ionizing radiation. They regulate the use and possession of radioactive materials and radiation producing machines, and respond to accidents involving radiation.
Inspection and Enforcement Manager:
Amy Ford
(615) 613-5593
Remediation, Hazardous Substance Site & Brownfields Cleanup
The Division of Remediation identifies and investigates hazardous substance sites, then uses practical and effective remedies to stabilize, remediate, contain, monitor, and maintain these sites, minimizing threats to public health, safety, and the environment. The division oversees work at a wide range of sites, which include National Priority List (NPL) Superfund sites, state inactive hazardous substance sites, brownfields, dry cleaners, and properties where methamphetamine was illegally manufactured.
- View the Division of Remediation Sites Viewer - Data Viewer Note: Internet Explorer is no longer supported for our Data Viewer applications. Please use one of the following browsers: Chrome, Fire Fox or Edge.
- View the Division of Remediation Map Viewer
Ken Johnson
(615) 687-7032
Solid (Trash) & Hazardous Wastes
The Division of Solid Waste Management protects, improves, and promotes health and environmental quality thorough the responsive, effective oversight of waste management activities and the beneficial use of recovered materials. The division has several programs that deal with different kinds of waste, from solid to hazardous and from recyclables to food.
- View the Solid Waste Management Database - Data Viewer Note: Internet Explorer is no longer supported for our Data Viewer applications. Please use one of the following browsers: Chrome, Fire Fox or Edge.
Mike Horsley
(615) 347-0615
Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Facilities (e.g. Gas Stations)
The Division of Underground Storage Tanks protects human health and the environment by preventing future petroleum underground storage tank releases and remediating existing petroleum underground storage tank contamination from regulated tanks. The division also monitors and requires that citizens who have stored petroleum in regulated underground storage tanks, or who bring a new underground storage tank into use, notify the division.
Rhonda Key
(615) 761-7590
Assistant Manager:
Carrie Ancell
(615) 925-0283
Division of Water Resources
The Division of Water Resources manages, protects, and enhances the quality of the state’s water resources through voluntary, regulatory, and educational programs. The Division is divided into smaller sections by water resource topical area. If you need assistance, please call our main line phone number (615) 687-7000 and the receptionist will transfer you to the appropriate person.
Helpful Links:
Tim Jennette
(615) 351-5552
This Page Last Updated: July 11, 2024 at 12:08 PM