Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers play a critical role in reducing recidivism and improving the outcomes of offenders. TDOC offers volunteer opportunities inside all 10 of our facilities, as well as in the community at our seven Day Reporting Centers located across the state. TDOC volunteers assist staff in facilitating programs and services and are integrated into every phase of the rehabilitative process. Whether a volunteer provides mentorship, coaching, faith-based or spiritual guidance, music, or art, their dedication instills hope and creates positive change.
Ninety-five percent of people in prison will one day be released to our communities, and while a successful return to society is largely based on the effort of the offender and their desire to change, the public also plays an important role in the reentry process. TDOC volunteers are active participants in increasing public safety, helping others, and building a stronger Tennessee. They are essential to fulfilling our mission and we are grateful for their dedication, selflessness, and service to our agency.

Are you interested in becoming a volunteer, but would first like to learn more about the Department? Watch some of our videos and sign up for Citizens' Correctional Academy when the next sessions become available. We also have additional videos available on our YouTube.
If you are ready to sign up, the next step is to complete an online volunteer application. By using the secure link provided below, you will be able to submit your application. Carefully complete the ENTIRE application. Remember that references will be contacted, and a criminal background check will be required. Once your information has been submitted, you will be contacted.
First-time applicants must complete the Volunteer Application. You do not need to submit an application if you are applying for recertification.
We appreciate your desire to volunteer with the Tennessee Department of Correction Religious and Volunteer Services. If you have submitted an application, it is currently being processed. If you have any questions, please contact at Volunteer.Services@tn.gov.
For additional information, please review the links provided below: