Adolescent Substance Use Disorders Services Program

Treatment is available for adolescents 13-18 years of age who have a primary or secondary alcohol or other drug abuse or dependency diagnosis or co-occurring substance use and psychiatric diagnosis. Adolescent Services are available through residential, outpatient, and day treatment for youth in need of substance abuse treatment.
Adolescent outpatient treatment services are provided in regularly-scheduled sessions of usually fewer than nine hours each week.
Adolescent day and evening treatment services operates three or more hours per day (exclusive of school activities) and a minimum of four days a week.
Adolescent residential services are provided in a residential setting and include treatment sessions as well as education.
Other Services Available:
Case Management
Family and Relationship Support
Trauma Counseling
Recovery Skills Counseling
Nursing Assessment
Recovery Skills
Recovery Activities
Psychiatric Diagnostic Interview Examination
- Youth not enrolled in Tennessee’s Medicaid program, TennCare
- Youth who have depleted their TennCare or other third party alcohol and drug abuse treatment benefits limit
- Youth who do not have any other third-party health benefit funding source.
Where to Find Services:
A listing of alcohol and drug treatment services providers who contract with the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services and are funded through the federal Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment (SAPT) Block Grant can be found at this link.
For more information, contact:
Jacqueline Talley
Treatment Specialist
Dept. of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services
Phone: (615) 917-8177