Mental Health Services for Adults
TDMHSAS offers a wide range of supports and services for Tennesseans living with mental health and co-occurring issues ranging from essential mental health services to employment and housing services. The department additionally provides a robust range of opportunities for individuals living lives of recovery to share their experience with other peers. The videos below give a sample of the impact of our services.
Connect With Our Programs
Tennessee offers a full continuum of crisis services from a 24/7 phone line to statewide mobile crisis, walk-in centers, crisis stabilization units, and more. Click to learn about crisis services in Tennessee.
The Behavioral Health
Safety Net provides essential mental health outpatient services to uninsured
Tennesseans. Click to learn more and find a provider.
Through the Creating Homes Initiative, TDMHSAS has leveraged nearly $700M to create nearly 23,000 housing opportunities for people living with mental health issues.
In partnership with the Department of Human Services, TDMHSAS offers individual placement and support (IPS) supported employment to help people find and retain jobs to support their recovery.
Tennessee knows the power of peer recovery! Click to learn how peers are supporting each other through a variety of programs.