Safety Committees

Promoting workplace safety is an important priority of the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation, just as it is for the entire Department of Labor and Workforce Development.  And, we are confident that Tennessee employers share our interest. Injury prevention is perhaps the single most effective method of cost containment; it's also very good business.  

Purpose of having a Safety Committee

Experience has proven conclusively that a properly endorsed and administered safety program will reduce both the number and severity of injuries in the workplace.  Consequently, Tennessee initiated a Safety Committee program in 1992 to emphasize the promotion of safety and health in the workplace. View the Rules of the Safety Program.  

The provisions of this program encourage every employer to establish and administer a safety committee according to guidelines developed by the Department. The purpose of the safety requirements is twofold:

  • To prevent as many accidents and injuries in the workplace as possible.
  • To reduce the severity of the accidents and injuries which do occur in the workplace.

So we invite and encourage you to join with us in a "safety partnership" whose only goal is making Tennessee workplaces as safe and healthy as possible.

Required Participation

Every employer whose experience modification factor is 1.20 or greater is required to establish and administer a safety committee in the workplace. The safety committee must be maintained for as long as the experience modification factor remains at 1.20 or greater.

Need More Help?

If you have additional questions, please call 615-532-4812 or 800-332-2667 or contact us by email at