File a Safety/Health Complaint

It is the mission of Tennessee OSHA to ensure that employers maintain safe and healthy workplaces for the workers in Tennessee. Tennessee OSHA’s jurisdiction extends to most private sector employers, as well as state and local public sector employers, and their workers.

TOSHA’s enforcement authority is strictly limited to workplace hazards and does not extend to other areas of safety such as patient safety or student safety.

If you wish to file a complaint, please review the tiles below and select the most applicable link to address your concern.

Are You Attempting to File a Complaint About One of These Issues?

Food Safety
Doctor speaking to patient
Elder Safety Nursing Homes
Woman putting on seat belt
Elderly Employees
Sexual Harassment Complaint Form
Person sitting in front of an electric fan
For Rent sign in front of house
Barrels in a field
Woman yelling at man
Cats and Dogs
Sexual Orientation
Overtime Pay
Customer Service
OTR Vehicle Safety
Restroom door
Alarm clock with Zzzzzs
Racial Discrimination
Driving in Ice/Snow
Hazardous Duty Pay
Couple walking past construction site
Older person's hands on keyboard
Teacher working with little kids
Woman alone at computer in office
Pregnant Employees
Woman holding cross

How to File a Complaint About a Workplace Safety or Health Issue

If you wish to file a workplace safety or health complaint, please review the buttons below to determine if your concern would generally be considered a workplace safety or a workplace health hazard.

If your complaint does not appear to be either of these two areas, scroll up to review the tiles and see if there is a more applicable place to submit your complaint.

Otherwise, please click here or on one on the buttons below to submit a complaint form.


Currently there is no rule or standard that prohibits the presence of mold in the workplace.

The May 2003 article titled “Adverse human health effects associated with molds in the indoor environment” from the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medication states, “Mold spores are present in all indoor environments and cannot be eliminated from them” and “Except for persons with severely impaired immune systems, indoor mold is not a source of fungal infections. Current scientific evidence does not support the proposition that human health has been adversely affected by inhaled mycotoxins in home, school, or office environments.”

If you would like to have TOSHA send your employer a letter with guidance on how to limit the growth of mold, please click here to provide your employer’s contact information.

No Air Conditioning

Currently there is no rule or standard that requires an employer to provide air conditioning. Potable water (sanitary drinking water) must be provided.

Overtime Pay

Pay is not a workplace safety or health issue over which TOSHA has jurisdiction. Wage complaint issues are addressed by the U.S. Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division. Click here for more information.

Hazardous Duty Pay

Tennessee OSHA has no standard that requires “hazardous duty pay” for an employee.


TOSHA has no rule or standard regarding rest breaks or meal breaks. If you have a complaint regarding meal breaks (lunch breaks), you may file a complaint with the Labor Standard Division.

Customer Service

Tennessee OSHA does not have authority to regulate business interactions with their patrons.

Bystander Safety

Tennessee OSHA does not have the authority to regulate the safety of the public at large. TOSHA jurisdiction is limited specifically to employee safety. For example, TOSHA has rules regarding trench safety for employees; however, those are not written to protect children playing in such trenches.

Tennessee OSHA has no rule or standard that requires an employer to secure construction sites to protect the general public.

Food Safety

Tennessee OSHA has no jurisdiction regarding food safety. If your concern is regarding food safety at a restaurant, you may wish to contact the Tennessee Department of Health at 800-293-8228.  

If your concern is regarding a retail food store or food service operation, you can click here to view food safety information from the Tennessee Department of Agriculture.

Dumping Chemicals

Tennessee OSHA does not have jurisdiction regarding environmental issues. You may contact the Department of Environment and Conservation at 888-891-8332.   

OTR Vehicle Safety

Tennessee OSHA does not have jurisdiction regarding motor vehicle safety or interstate driver restrictions. You may contact the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) complaint hotline at 888-368-7238.


Tennessee OSHA has no jurisdiction regarding the safety of residents of rental properties. Click here to review your rights as a renter.  

Age Discrimination

Tennessee OSHA has no rule or standard regarding age discrimination. For age discrimination in the workplace, contact the Tennessee Human Rights Commission at 800-251-3589.

Patient Safety

Tennessee OSHA has no jurisdiction regarding patient safety. Click here to file complaints against health care providers.

Drug/Alcohol Abuse

Tennessee OSHA has no rule or standard regarding consumption of alcohol in the workplace. If your concern is regarding public intoxication or use of illegal drugs, you need to contact your local law enforcement agency for guidance on how to submit a complaint.

Trucker Restroom Access

TOSHA standards do not require that an establishment make restroom facilities available to nonemployees such as delivery truck drivers. The responsibility lies with the driver’s employer to address the need for restroom access.

Child Safety (school or day care)

Tennessee OSHA has no jurisdiction regarding student safety. Please contact the Tennessee Department of Education at 615-741-5158.

Tennessee OSHA also has no jurisdiction regarding child safety (with the exception of minor employees). If you have concerns about child safety at day care operations, you may report suspected licensing violations or possible illegal child care operations using the Child Care Complaint Hotline at 800-462-8261. You can also email

Elder Safety Nursing Homes

Tennessee OSHA has no jurisdiction regarding the safety and care of residents in nursing homes or assisted living facilities.

No Heat

Tennessee OSHA has no rule or standard that requires a facility to provide heat in the workplace.

Rest Between Shifts

Tennessee OSHA has no rule or standard that mandates a minimum amount of time off between shifts.

Working Alone

Other than a few unique circumstances, such as permit-required confined space entry, emergency response (buddy system), firefighters (observing two in/two out) or working around energized parts at more than 600 volts, Tennessee OSHA has no rule or standard that prohibits employees from working alone.

General Vehicle Safety

Tennessee OSHA does not regulate standard vehicle safety requirements such as brakes, windshield wipers, mirrors, seat belts, or airbags. For assistance with items such as these, contact the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security at 866-903-7357.

Verbal Abuse

Tennessee OSHA has no rule or standard that governs the interpersonal conduct between employer and employee. Threats of violence may be criminal acts, and you may contact your local law enforcement officials for assistance.


Tennessee OSHA has deferred jurisdiction regarding ionizing radiation (X-rays) to the Division of Radiological Health. This responsibility encompasses regulating the use and possession of radioactive materials and radiation-producing machines within the state, as well as responding to accidents involving radiation. Please contact the Division of Radiological Health at or 615-532-0614.

Pregnant Employees

Tennessee OSHA has no rules or standards that grant specific exceptions to pregnant employees. The employer must provide a safe and healthy workplace that complies with applicable rules and standards for all employees equally.

Elderly Employees

Tennessee OSHA has no rules or standards that grant specific exceptions to elderly employees. The employer must provide a safe and healthy workplace that complies with applicable rules and standards for all employees equally.  For age discrimination in the workplace, contact the Tennessee Human Rights Commission at 800-251-3589.

Cats and Dogs

Tennessee OSHA has no rule or standard that prohibits an employer from allowing pets on the premises. TOSHA jurisdiction is specifically limited to the health and safety of employees.

Racial Discrimination

Tennessee OSHA has no rule or standard regarding racial discrimination. Discrimination under the TOSH Act applies only and specifically to protected activity as outlined in the act. For racial discrimination issues, contact the Tennessee Human Rights Commission at 800-251-3589.

Religious Discrimination

Tennessee OSHA has no rule or standard regarding religious discrimination. Discrimination under the TOSH Act applies only and specifically to protected activity as outlined in the act. For religious discrimination issues, contact the Tennessee Human Rights Commission at 800-251-3589.

Sexual Harassment

Tennessee OSHA has no rule or standard regarding sexual harassment in the workplace. For sexual harassment issues, contact the Tennessee Human Rights Commission at 800-251-3589.

Sexual Orientation

Tennessee OSHA has no rule or standard regarding sexual orientation discrimination in the workplace. All employees must be provided a safe and healthy workplace that complies with all applicable rules and standards.  

Driving in Ice/Snow

The decision to report during inclement weather, such as snowy or icy conditions, is made by the employer and employee.

TOSHA has no rule or standard that prohibits employers from mandating attendance during inclement weather. If an employee does not report due to inclement weather, the employer is not required by TOSHA to excuse the absence.