July 25, 2024
1:45 pm
Chattanooga State Community College Health Science Center Room 1085 4501 Amnicola Hwy Chattanooga, TN 37406 *This meeting will begin immediately following the Business Operations Committee meeting. Livestream link: https://bit.ly/4cQ64EE Livestream password: mMJjmMfF234
*Committee will meet immediately following the Business Operations Committee.
I. Welcome
Chris Tutor, Committee Chair
- Roll Call
- Review of Agenda
- Approval of Prior Minutes
II. LEA Policy Updates
Ashley Thomas, General Counsel
- First and Final Reading (Consent Agenda)
- 1800 School Calendar
- 2200 School Operating Budget
- 2201 Line Item Transfer Authority - REPEAL
- 2400 Revenue and School Fees
- 2401 Gifts and Bequests
- 2805 Purchasing and Contracts
- 3201 School Safety
- 3202 Emergency Preparedness
- 3400 Transportation
- 4207 English Learners
- 4213 Artificial Intelligence
- 4400 Instructional Materials
- 4502 Parent Involvement
- 4603 Promotion and Retention
- 4605 Course Credits and Graduation
- 6300 Security
- 6303 Reporting of Crimes
- 6305 Title IX and Sexual Harassment
- 6309 Zero Tolerance
- 6313 Student Discipline
- 6317 Remands and Student DHA
- 6400 Student Wellness and Health Services
- 6403 Communicable Diseases
- 6409 Child Abuse
- 6506 Surrogate Parent
III. Closing Discussion and Adjournment
Chris Tutor, Committee Chair