HBCU Success Advisory Board

HBCU Success Advisory Board

Tenn. Code. Ann. § 49-7-217(f) allows for the creation of an advisory board for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Success, which may provide recommendations and guidance to the Tennessee Higher Education Commission in the following areas:

  • Improvement of the identity, visibility, and distinctive capabilities and overall competitiveness of HBCUs;
  • Engagement of the philanthropic, business, government, military, homeland security, and education communities in a dialogue regarding new HBCU programs and initiatives;
  • Improvement of the ability of HBCUs to remain fiscally secure institutions that can assist the state in reaching its educational goals;
  • Elevation of the public awareness of HBCUs; and
  • Encouragement of public-private investments in HBCUs.

Board members also serve as ambassadors for HBCU Success, providing a connection to and ongoing exchange of information and ideas with Tennesseans, policymakers, and the broader public.

The Board is comprised of nine voting members who are appointed by the Commission to serve for a three-year term. Currently sitting HBCU presidents serve as ex-officio members of the advisory board. Advisory board meetings are held biannually (approximately during the fall and spring academic semesters).

Typical agenda items include statewide updates (enrollments, academic program development, student experiences, and more), HBCU Presidents’ reports, and primary discussion topic(s) to solicit and secure input from board members. The advisory board does not engage in decision making related to institution personnel, budget, or internal policy-development within Tennessee’s HBCUs.


2021-2024 Board Members

Dr. Andre Churchwell
Dr. Andre Churchwell Nashville, TN
Ashley Northington 2
Ashley Northington Nashville, TN
Officer Shelley Clemons Knoxville, TN
Brandi Smith
Brandi Smith Nashville, TN
Carol Johnson Dean
Dr. Carol Johnson Dean Memphis, TN
Ernest Strickland 2
Ernest Strickland Memphis, TN
Laschinski Emerson
Laschinski Emerson Knoxville, TN
Elaine Stallworth-Washington
Elaine Stallworth-Washington Johnson City, TN
Doug Magee
Dr. Doug Magee Nashville, TN

Ex-officio members (current sitting TN HBCU Presidents)

Dr. Forrest Harris (American Baptist College)

Mr. Frank Sims (Fisk University)

Mr. Leonard Adams (Knoxville College)

Dr. Logan Hampton (Lane College)

Dr. Vernell Bennett-Fairs (LeMoyne Owen College)

Dr. James Hildreth (Meharry Medical College)

Dr. Glenda Baskin Glover (Tennessee State University)

Next Regular Meeting

Friday, November 8, 2024, 10:00 a.m. CST | Webex Attendee Link  | Meeting Agenda 
William R. Snodgrass Tennessee Tower, Third Floor - TN Room 2, 312 Rosa L. Parks Ave., Nashville, TN 37243

Public Comment

Any member of the public wishing to address the Board should make a request in writing to: Jessie Greene at jessie.greene@tn.gov or by contacting 615-519-7730. To be considered by the Board at this meeting, requests must be received no later than two (2) business days in advance of the meeting date. The request to comment must include the name of the interested entity, group, or individual. The name of those who have requested to comment will be called in the order that requests were received. When the requester’s name is called, the requester may come to the podium and the requester will have up to three minutes to comment.




Previous Meetings