Traffic Design Division
Traffic Design Division
James K. Polk Building, 18th Floor
505 Deaderick St. Nashville, TN 37243
Office 615.741.3909
Cell 615.573.9722

Andy Barlow, P.E. | Director
The Traffic Design Division is responsible for overseeing the development of plans, policies, specifications, and standards for the traffic discipline within TDOT’s Bureau of Engineering. Key areas of responsibility include core traffic services such as traffic signals, signs, traffic markings, roadway lighting, along with other areas such as advanced transportation technologies, traffic modeling, and work zones. The division works in conjunction with the Traffic Operations division to ensure successful deployment and operation of traffic-related projects, technologies, and installations.
Related Resources:
Work Zone Safety & Mobility Manual
Standard Traffic Operations Drawings
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), 2009 Edition
Tennessee Supplement to the Standard Highway Signs Book, 2018 Edition