Polk Co. SR-68
Blue Ridge Drive in Georgia from near Old Flowers Rd. to near Colonial Avenue on SR-68 in Tennessee (TDOT PIN 125101.00)Review Dates: October 19th, 2023
Deadline to Submit Letter of Interest: October 9th, 2023
Letter of Interest - Polk Co. 125101.00 - Constructability Review
Note: Participation in this review is voluntary, non-compensable, and will not prevent you from submitting a bid for the project. Anything you choose to share will remain in confidence. Any Contractor that is prequalified with TDOT's Construction Division may request participation by completing and submitting a Letter of Interest to Shawna Smith at Shawna.B.Smith@tn.gov.

Project Summary
This is a joint project between GDOT and TDOT. GDOT proposes to develop and construct, and TDOT agrees to assist in the constructing, an auxiliary to the existing State Route 5 in Fannin County, Georgia, identified at the “SR 5 Connector”, which will begin at State Route 5/Blue Ridge Drive in McCaysville, GA and end approximately 2.3 miles north at a proposed intersection with State Route 68 in Copperhill, TN, and will include a new bridge on the SR 5 Connector to cross over West Tennessee Avenue, the Ocoee River, Tennessee Overhill Association Railroad and State Route 68/Ocoee Street. GDOT will serve as the lead agency and will be responsible for the overall management of the project.
GDOT shall be responsible for developing the design plans for the project, including the environmental documentation, field survey, right-of-way plans, utility relocations, and construction plans, subject to TDOT’s approval of the portion of the project in Tennessee and the plans for the new bridge.
An individual set of plans for the Tennessee portion of the project will be developed by GDOT so that right-of-way acquisition and construction of the Tennessee portion of the project can be developed on a separate schedule from the overall project. The roadway plans developed on the Tennessee portion of the project will be developed according to TDOT’s design guidelines, standard drawings, and specifications, prepared in TDOT’s roadway plans format, using TDOT pavement design and standard TDOT pay items. The bridge plans will use the relevant TDOT design guidelines, standard drawings, and specification, prepared in TDOT’s structures plans format, using standard TDOT pay items. All plans of the Tennessee portion of the project shall be stamped by a professional engineer licensed in Tennessee.
- Transportation of beams to project site
- Construction of piers in an Environmental Sensitive Area (ESA)
- Coordination of construction activies in proximity to/over the railroad