VII. Reporting Requirements
The Office of Criminal Justice Programs (OCJP) has been notified by the Division of Accounts within the Department of Finance and Administration that the State has formally rescinded Policy 03 effective November 30, 2023. Previously all non-profit grant subrecipients were required to submit completed Policy 03 Quarterly Expense and Revenue Reports no later than forty-five (45) calendar days following the end of the quarter for which the report is completed. These reports were then sent to the OCJP Fiscal Unit at .
The Policy 03 Quarterly Expense and Revenue Report is no longer required to be submitted effective with quarter 2 of Fiscal Year 2024 (October through December 2023).
State of Tennessee Interunit Journals (IUJs): (State Agencies Only)
This method of payment is used for grants funded to State agencies. This payment method reimburses the subrecipient based upon actual costs incurred by the subrecipient in carrying out the activity of the grant. As the subrecipient incurs costs, those costs are conveyed to the funding source (OCJP) following the State of Tennessee Interunit Journal process described below. Following the IUJ processing, deposits (reimbursement) via the recognition of revenue are made to the account of the state subrecipient.
The Department of Finance and Administration Policy Statement Number 18 establishes the policy for the submission of Interunit Journals (IUJs). In accordance with Policy 18, “no IUJs shall be processed for $1,000.00 or less, unless it is necessary for a department’s fiscal year-end budgetary closing. IUJs of the same nature and between the same departments for less than $1,000.00 may be accumulated and may be processed quarterly once the cumulative amount exceeds $1,000.00”. “Exceptions to this Policy Statement should be submitted in writing to the Director of Statewide Accounting, Division of Accounts, for review and approval.”
When the billing side of the IUJ is set up notify for processing of payment. Include the Inter Unit Journal ID Number in your request. Once received, the IUJ is then processed for payment through the Department of Finance & Administration Office of Business and Finance.
For additional information please see: Policy 18
Tennessee Department of Finance & Administration Invoice for Reimbursement (Non-profit, Local Government, and Universities Only)
The Invoice for Reimbursement is used to request monthly reimbursement for line-item expenditures incurred by the subrecipient. Expenditures, which are allowable according to the appropriate OCJP Administrative Guide, may be disbursed upon receipt of a properly prepared and signed invoice. Funds cannot be disbursed based on budgeted amounts. The expense must have actually occurred before line-item reimbursement can be made. Monthly invoices should be submitted to: OCJP Invoice, Department of Finance and Administration, Office of Business and Finance, 20th Floor William R. Snodgrass Tennessee Tower, 312 Rosa L. Parks Avenue, Nashville, TN 37243-1102. E-mail for invoicing and for any questions.
NOTE: It is strongly recommended that agencies invoice monthly, when monthly expenditures are incurred. However Subrecipient agencies can invoice quarterly. If invoicing quarterly, agencies MUST request reimbursement 30 days after the end of each quarter for all the expenses incurred during the quarter in its entirety. For example, agencies must fully invoice for July, August and September no later than October 30th; October, November and December no later than January 30th; January, February and March no later than April 30th; and April, May and June according to the end of year schedule and accrued liability deadline.
(All Subrecipients)
This report is completed on an annual basis, if equipment or “Sensitive Minor Equipment” (see Chapter X-Property and Equipment for definition) is purchased with grant funds during the current fiscal year. It is due to OCJP no later than July 31st. When a contract has an end date prior to the end of the fiscal year (June 30), the equipment summary report for that fiscal year is due 30 calendar days past the end date of the grant. (For example: If the contract period is July 1, 2016 to March 31, 2017, the project equipment summary report is due April 30, 2017 if equipment was purchased.) For multi-year projects, the Project Equipment Summary Report should specifically identify any purchases that have been made for equipment, either totally or in part with grant money, since the last fiscal year. This report is available for online submission at
(State and Local Government and Universities Only)
This report form is completed on a quarterly basis if program income is generated as a direct result of an agency-funded activity. A grant funded project may not generate income unless approved by OCJP. Current program income information for State and Local Government and Educational subrecipients should be reported on the online Quarterly Program Income Summary Report .
NOTE: State and Local Government and Educational subrecipients that do not generate program income must submit the Income Summary Report form annually 15 days after the end of the fiscal year or end of the grant period. Effective July 1, 2018 the report is due annually by July 31st or 30 days after end of the grant period.
State and Local Governments
An audit is required to be conducted and due no later than 9 months after the close of each fiscal year for state government and local governments (counties, judicial districts, cities, towns, quasi-governments) regardless of whether federal or state funds are involved or the dollar amount expended. As of October 1, 2024, if an agency expends $1,000,000 or more in federal funds (for the entire government), the audit must be conducted in accordance with OMB Circular A-133, and the audit cost is an allowable expenditure to the federal grant(s).
Nongovernmental (nonprofit or private organizations)
Any nongovernmental entity (nonprofit or private organizations) that expends $1,000,000 or more under a state contract regardless of whether federal or state funds are involved, during that entity’s fiscal year, is required to have an audit conducted and due no later than 9 months after the close of the entity’s fiscal year. The audit must be conducted in accordance with OMB Circular A-133, and the audit cost is an allowable expenditure under the federal grant(s).
Audit costs not performed in accordance with the appropriate OMB Circular are unallowable. If the subrecipient expended federal funds less than the amount required for an audit and still elected to contract with a certified public accountant to perform an audit; these costs may not be charged to the federal grant(s).
See also Chapter V. Annual Financial Report and Audit Instructions.
(Any nongovernmental entity - nonprofit or private organizations)
Any nongovernmental entity (nonprofit or private organizations) that expends less than the amount required for an audit under a state contract regardless of whether federal or state funds are involved during that entity’s fiscal year, is required to submit an annual report of the entity’s financial activities (not required to be audited) due no later than 9 months after the close of the entity’s fiscal year. NOTE: All report due dates falling on a weekend day or holiday will be due no later than the following business day. Information on reporting requirements for specific grants can be located on the Reporting webpage.
Additional information on reporting for grant subrecipients may be found in the Fund Source Chapter and on the OCJP website here.
This Page Last Updated: October 1, 2024 at 2:18 PM