Jim Bryson
Finance & Administration
Jim Bryson became commissioner of Finance and Administration on June 15, 2022, after joining Gov. Bill Lee's administration in May 2019 as deputy commissioner for Parks and Conservation in the Department of Environment and Conservation, where he was responsible for Tennessee State Parks, Tennessee Division of Archaeology, Tennessee Division of Natural Areas, Partnerships and Development, Recreation Education Services, Administration, Facilities Management, Interpretive Programs, and Marketing.
Jim is founder and president of 20/20 Research Inc., a market research consulting, project management and technology firm based in Nashville. He served three terms as international president of the Qualitative Research Consultants Association, supporting skills, abilities and competencies that help companies better understand customers' needs.
Jim also served as state senator representing Williamson County from 2003 to 2007.
Jim is Past President of The Sycamore Institute, an independent, nonpartisan public policy research center focused on Tennessee issues. He is also a member of the Nashville Downtown Rotary Club and the Brentwood Methodist Church in Brentwood. Jim earned his bachelor’s degree from Baylor University and received a Masters in Business Administration from Vanderbilt. He and his wife, Carol, a Greeneville native, have four children and two grandchildren.