Materials Management

The Materials Management group is divided into three sections to provide assistance to the 66 solid waste planning regions and Tennessee's 95 counties.

The Recovered Materials section oversees the recycling, waste reduction, and solid waste planning activities within the State of Tennessee. The Recovered Materials section also provides an overview of Tennessee's Solid Waste Management System through the creation of the Annual Report to the Governor and General Assembly.

The Problem Waste section provides technical assistance to the regions and counties in the handling of problem wastes. Problem wastes include waste tires, used oil, batteries, anti-freeze, electronics, and household hazardous wastes. This section also coordinates the household hazardous waste and conditionally exempt small quantity generator mobile events and manages the state's used oil program and waste tire program.

Where to take your household waste and recyclables:

Recycle Map Legend
Where may I dispose of recycle items near me?

Financial assistance is provided by our Grants Administration section. Specialized grants for recycling equipment, and used oil are just a few of the types of grants offered. Funding comes from the Solid Waste Management Fund which is generated by the tipping fee surcharge and waste tire pre-disposal collection fee.

Household Hazardous Waste

TDEC's Mobile Household Hazardous Waste Collection Service ensures your waste is disposed of safely.


Learn more about composting, organics diversion and outreach activities.

2015-2025 Solid Waste Management Plan

Tennessee’s guidance document for solid waste and materials management into the next decade and a description of the process used to develop this plan.

This Page Last Updated: January 15, 2025 at 9:29 AM