Household BOPAE

What is BOPAE? 

What is BOPAE? We’re glad you asked. BOPAE stands for Batteries, Oil, Paint, Antifreeze, and Electronics . County and city convenience centers across Tennessee collect these items for responsible recycling and/or disposal. Some private businesses and organizations also provide collection centers for residents of these sometimes hard-to-dispose-of items. BOPAE items can be dangerous to human health and the environment if improperly managed or disposed. By taking these materials to responsible collection facilities, you’re helping protect the environment for the future of Tennessee.

Household Batteries

What to do with your old batteries? Read more on how to handle, recycle, and dispose of properly. 


What to do with your paint and how to properly dispose of it. 


What to do with your old technology? Read more on recycling and disposal options. 

Household Used Oil Program

Changing the oil in your car? It can be recycled! Read more on how to collect and dispose of it properly.


Antifreeze can harm the environment and your pets. What to do with your old antifreeze.


Ginna McWhirter

Used Oil Coordinator 

This Page Last Updated: January 11, 2024 at 2:53 PM