2015 - 2025 Solid Waste and Materials Management Plan

Objective 2: Increase Recycling Access and Participation

Description of Objective

Objective 2 in the 2015-2025 Solid Waste and Materials Management Plan describes TDEC's goal to increase access and participation in recycling. TDEC has developed and implemented several strategies to accomplish this goal.

Giles County partnered with TDEC's Division of Solid Waste Management (DSWM) to complete their County Convenience Center construction and began operation of two new convenience centers in March 2016. The Convenience Centers offer waste collection, comingled recycling drop-offs, and used oil collection to the residents of Giles County.

In early 2016, TDEC-DSWM began the process to develop a new grant plan, simplify grant applications, and provide tailored grant offerings to better meet the needs of local governments.  In July 2016, TDEC-DSWM announced the Cycle 1 grant opportunities for the Recycling Rebate, Recycling Equipment, and Used Oil Grants.  Grants workshops were held across the state to present the new grant offerings and to help local governments navigate the electronic applications.  Over 65 interested applicants from across the state attended these events.  The workshops featured an overview of the funding increases in all three grant offerings and highlighted the expanded eligibility. The Cycle 1 grant applications are due October 3, 2016.​ TDEC-DSWM is pleased with the new grant improvements and credits input from internal and external stakeholders that helped to guide the revision process.  If you are interested in sharing your comments, please visit the 2025 Plan Public Participation website

TDEC-DSWM hosted a Recycling Hub and Spoke Workshop on March 1-3, 2016 with all eight TN Hub Directors in attendance.  Presentation topics included facility design, data management, outreach, safety, and recycling contracts.  A follow up workshop is being planned that will include local governments that participate as spokes or recycling collectors.

Christina Perez