Energy Security Resources
NASEO Energy Security Committee
OEP’s Primary Emergency Services Coordinator (ESC) serves as Co-chair on the National Association of State Energy Officials’ (NASEO’s) Energy Security Committee. In this role, OEP regularly engages with ESCs across the country on topics pertaining to energy emergency preparedness and response, including fuel disruptions, natural disasters, infrastructure vulnerabilities, energy cybersecurity, and more. The group collaborates with federal partners and industry stakeholders to assist states in carrying out their responsibilities as state energy data repositories. This includes providing technical assistance to state government agencies and supporting state efforts to compile and analyze energy data.
The NASEO Energy Security Committee has published guidance for states on Relief from Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations in an Energy Emergency (November 2018) and Petroleum Shortage Response Planning (February 2018).
Click here to explore additional NASEO energy security resources related to planning, hazard mitigation, cybersecurity, training and education.
U.S. DOE Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response
U.S. DOE’s Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response (CESER) designs programs to address emerging energy threats, protect the reliable flow of energy to all Americans, and improve national energy infrastructure security. CESER facilitates coordination between State government, local government, and the energy sector to enhance emergency response and recovery efforts as well as leverage federal capabilities to mitigate the impact of energy disruptions. CESER also organizes exercises for energy emergency responders, such as Clear Path (examining the energy sector’s response to natural disasters) and GridEx (examining how utilities respond to and recover from coordinated cyber and physical security threats). These exercises help U.S. DOE, industry, and government partners test and improve plans, as well as provide insights for future research and development needs.
CESER maintains the Energy Waiver Library, a repository for information on common waivers and special permits used for energy response. The Library is used to educate states on the historical use of waivers or permits and provide contacts for requesting such waivers, should the need arise. Click here to learn more about CESER and to access its related resources.
Personal Resiliency: ReadyTN
ReadyTN is a mobile device application from the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency that provides emergency preparedness, response, and recovery information to Tennesseans. The app will display real time weather and emergency alert messages, as well as maps of open Red Cross Shelters, Smartway maps of real time traffic conditions from the Tennessee Department of Transportation, and local emergency management contact information. ReadyTN also has resources to help individuals build emergency kits, create emergency plans for themselves and their families, and learn about the emergency hazards Tennesseans face. Download ReadyTN for your mobile device at either the Apple Store (iPhone) or Google Play Store (Android).
Personal Resiliency: Food and Water in an Emergency
The Federal Emergency Management Agency partnered with the American Red Cross to publish a guide on personal resiliency in the face of long-term power outages, including those potentially caused by natural disasters. The guide, Food and Water in an Emergency, describes how to prepare for and survive power outages lasting for two weeks or longer.
This Page Last Updated: May 16, 2024 at 9:40 AM