Tennessee Nationally Recognized for Pathways Success

Wednesday, February 08, 2023 | 10:30am


New Grant to Support Student Success Through Nation-Leading Innovative Models Work

Nashville, TN—Tennessee has been nationally recognized by the college and career pathways initiative, Launch: Equitable and Accelerated Pathways for All, for delivering nearly a decade of strategic investments in high-demand, high-wage opportunities for students through the state’s nation-leading Career and Technical Education (CTE) pathways work and high-impact, cross-sector partnerships that align K-12, postsecondary, and workforce systems.

This month, the department is celebrating Innovative School Models and National Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month to highlight how Tennessee is reimagining the classroom for middle and high school students, while also amplifying the role CTE has in preparing students for postsecondary success.

“I am incredibly proud that Tennessee was awarded a grant for our ongoing pathways work and is being celebrated by Launch on a national scale,” said Commissioner Penny Schwinn. “Through historic commitments to CTE programming, effective alignment with Tennessee’s workforce needs, and important relationships with local, district, and nonprofit partners, Tennessee remains focused on strategic investments to support our students and future workforce.”

Tennessee’s innovative approach to providing students with early career and postsecondary development opportunities has been spotlighted by Launch, which aims to:  

·         Drive a national agenda for college and career pathways.

·         Work with state and local partnerships to advance equitable growth and scaling of pathways by tackling entrenched inequalities in education and workforce systems.

·         Advance pathways policies and strategies that that help achieve greater scale and sustainability.

·         Seed and grow next-generation models that will transform career pathways systems and dismantle entrenched barriers that perpetuate inequalities in economic advancement.

The Launch Network includes two cohorts of states across the nation – the Impact Cohort and the Innovation Cohort. While the Innovation Cohort is designing new pilot pathways, Tennessee is a member of the Impact Cohort, selected for the state’s strong pathway foundations and enabling conditions that have built connections between K-12 schools, postsecondary institutions, and employers. Additionally, the department received $100,000 to continue participating in a range of customized supports to strengthen pathways work. At the conclusion of this two-year initiative, the Impact Cohort site teams will develop a state-specific Sustainability Plan with clear next steps for improving and scaling equitable college and career pathways across their states.

“Tennessee's fast-improving education landscape is the result of dedicated educators and statewide investments in the development and implementation of programs of study and career pathways aligned with locally identified high-skill, high-wage, and in-demand occupations,” said Representative Mark White, Chairman, Tennessee House Education Administration Committee. “I am proud to advocate for supporting students in their job-ready skills development.”

“The Milan Special School District is proud to continue its innovative pathways work through Launch: Equitable & Accelerated Pathways for All,” said Jonathan Criswell, Director of Schools, Milan Special School District. “In a small, rural district, the innovative model has allowed us to offer students 14 CTE pathways, including four taught by TCAT-certified employees. Our students are earning post-secondary credits, industry certifications, and credentials aligned with high-demand careers. These opportunities prepare all our students to follow their path and plan for success long after their time with us has ended.”

“Tennessee's commitment to Career & Technical Education through the new Innovative School Models grant continues to be recognized across the country,” said Clint Satterfield, Director of Schools, Trousdale County Schools. “Tennessee's participation in the Launch Network will provide an opportunity to accelerate its efforts to ensure that all students are on a trajectory to a high-skill, high-wage, and in-demand career pathway upon graduation.”

“It is important that we give all students the best possible direction, information and opportunity to effectively navigate their futures,” said Dr. Nancy Dishner, President and CEO, Niswonger Foundation. “The Niswonger Foundation is proud to participate in the Launch initiative as we reimagine how the effective use of pathways will provide earlier exposure to, and credentialing for, future careers.  This effort can ensure that we help students confidently navigate their dreams as we are building Tennessee's workforce of tomorrow.”

“On behalf of the Tennessee Chamber of Commerce & Industry and businesses all across our great state, we are proud to partner and offer our support to Tennessee’s tremendous K-12 innovative pathways work that aims to ensure our future workforce is equipped with the skills they need to be successful and prosper in a competitive economy,” said Bradley Jackson, President and CEO, Tennessee Chamber of Commerce. “Tennessee is a national leader on so many fronts and we applaud the work of Commissioner Schwinn and her team as well as education professionals across our state for attracting yet another national recognition of Tennessee’s Innovative pathways work.”

“The Hamblen County Foundation for Educational Excellence and Achievement (HC*EXCELL) is proud to be a partner and supporter of the Launch: Equitable and Accelerated Pathways for All grant,” said Stan Harville, Executive Director, HC*EXCELL. “Hamblen County has long recognized the need for strong career and technical education programs and our school system has been a leader in that area with many exceptional programs. With over 100 industries in our county, workforce development is extremely important and Tennessee’s innovative pathways work is having a tremendous impact on our students.”

“TBR is proud to serve as an important leader in the state and nationally in creating seamless pathways for thousands of students from K-12 into higher education and the workforce,” said Dr. Flora W. Tydings, Chancellor, Tennessee Board of Regents. “We are pleased to partner with TDOE on Launch to enable Tennesseans to have more robust and coordinated CTE pathways. Through collaborative efforts on enhancing policies, programs, and partnerships, Tennessee will lead the nation on innovative pathways to the workforce and economic mobility for our graduates.”

“Improving Tennessee’s college and career pathways is vital to the long-term success of our state’s business community and economy,” said Pat Sheehy, President, Tennessee Business Roundtable. “Empowering every Tennessee student to successfully navigate their post-secondary journeys requires everyone who’s vested in their success, including business leaders, to answer the call to ensure those pathways are designed, paved, illuminated and mapped well.”

“We are honored to be one of five districts in the state chosen to help inform and shape the Launch: Equitable & Accelerated Pathways for All initiative,” said Dr. Annette Tudor, Director of Schools, Bristol City. “Involving the right community partners, including businesses, industry, and postsecondary institutions, has been critical to our successes, and having the right partners at the table is also something I value with this initiative. The outcomes of this initiative will take us one step further in ensuring every student in our district and the state is future-ready and receives the individualized support needed to be successful in their chosen pathway.” 

“Strategic partnerships that align student learning with career exploration and skill development are crucial to the success of Tennessee’s future workforce,” said Courtney Bell, Vice President of Strategic Practice, State Collaborative on Reforming Education (SCORE). “At SCORE, we are proud and excited to make career and postsecondary opportunities more accessible to Tennessee students by working hand in hand with schools and districts. We believe that Tennessee can lead the conversation on postsecondary education as a pathway to a high-quality career, ensuring equitable opportunities for all students.”

“Tennessee continues to lead the nation in our commitment to providing all students with the support they need to pursue valuable career and technical education pathways and thrive in today’s - and tomorrow’s - workforce,” said Victor Evans, Executive Director, TennesseeCAN. “The LEAP for All initiative will benefit even more students as they prepare for meaningful careers, while also supporting 21st century strategies and best practices to close equity gaps and advance proven policies for greater scale and sustainability.”

In May 2021, the department awarded 21 school district Innovative High School Model grants, which included an initial investment of $30 million to foster local community partnerships that boost student readiness. These partnerships have already shown an incredible impact on students’ experiences and readiness for the workforce and postsecondary opportunities. 

Building upon the state’s strong commitment to ensure Tennessee is future workforce ready, Governor Bill Lee and the Tennessee General Assembly made a historic investment of $500 million to bring Innovative School Models to every public high school and middle school in the state.

For additional information about Tennessee’s Innovative School Models initiative, click here. For more information about Tennessee’s CTE work, click here.

For Tennessee Department of Education media inquiries, contact Edu.MediaInquiries@tn.gov.  
