TCAP English Language Arts

  • The English language arts (ELA) assessments will be administered in four subparts for grades 3-8 and in three subparts for high school end-of-course exams.
  • The time allotted for each subpart and the total time for ELA is similar to last year.
  • The first subpart is the writing portion of the assessment, which must be completed during the first week of the testing window because student responses are scored individually by hand.
  •  The ELA assessment will assess the Tennessee Academic Standards through literary and informational texts requiring students to demonstrate the ability to read closely, analyze text, answer text-dependent questions, provide a written response to a prompt, and demonstrate command of the English language.  

Test Items


Family Report Site 

This website provides additional information about TCAP score reports in order to help families better understand their students' individual score reports, as well as next steps for supporting their students' academic progress. 


Best for All Central  

Best for All Central will serve as Tennessee's online hub for best-in-class instructional and professional development materials for the coming academic year and beyond—all designed to be easily accessible, searchable, and free. This webpage includes additional TCAP Family Resources.