2019 School Accountability
In accordance with Tennessee's accountability system, as well as federal and state law, the Tennessee Department of Education names schools that are excelling as well as those who need additional support.
2018 was the first year the department has implemented its new school accountability system. The new framework is based on multiple indicators, similar to district accountability, and it is built on the principles that poverty is not destiny and the success of each student matters. Given that, in the new model, all schools are able to achieve Reward status, and there is no cap on the number of Reward schools. Reward schools are generally those that are improving in terms of achievement and growth for both all students and student groups.
All school and district designations are pending State Board of Education approval pursuant to T.C.A. § 49-1-602.
Additional information about each of the designations can be found below.
View the Designations
Reward schools are generally those that are improving in terms of achievement and growth for both all students and student groups. These schools are identified annually.
There are some exceptions:
- Schools cannot be Reward if any student group performs in the bottom five percent in the state for any given student group.
- A school cannot be Reward if also designated Priority or in need of Comprehensive Support and Improvement.
Rhea County Lakeside Academy Nashville Classical Crieve Hall Elementary Lakeside Park Elementary Lenoir City Harpeth Valley Elementary Rock Springs Elementary Friendsville Elementary Midway Elementary McKenzie Franklin High School Shelby County West Valley Middle School Whitwell Elementary Tara Oaks Elementary School Lakeland Elementary School Frazier Elementary Hardin Valley Academy Marshall County Houston High School Norman Binkley Elementary Westhills Elementary Fred J Page High School Lincoln Heights Elementary Barfield Elementary Fairview Elementary Cornersville Elementary Greene County Norris Elementary Jacksboro Elementary Meigs Middle Merrol Hyde Magnet School South Lincoln School Norwood Middle School Fayetteville Middle School David Crockett Elementary Smith Springs Elementary School Lockeland Elementary Theodore Roosevelt Elementary School Montgomery County Dickson Middle School Manley Elementary Rock Creek Elementary Bells Crestview Elementary School Ooltewah Elementary Hixson Elementary Loudon County Chester County Big Ridge Elementary Martin Luther King Jr School Wynn Habersham Elementary Daisy Elementary Bedford County West View School Bess T Shepherd Elementary Middle College @ Austin Peay State University Bartlett Richland Elementary Ketron Elementary School Carter High School Trousdale Co Elementary Collierville Elementary School Springdale Elementary School Sewanee Elementary Swiss Memorial Elementary Carter County Westview High School Lawrence County Lenoir City High School Oak Ridge Collierville Alamo Elementary Independence High School Algood Elementary Farragut Middle School Walter J. Baird Middle School Rocky Hill Elementary Santa Fe Unit School Scott County Prospect Elementary School J E Woodard Elementary Chattanooga School For Arts And Sciences Upper Mt. Juliet Middle School Rogersville Dyer County High School Maury County Middle Valley Elementary Stone Elementary Gibson County High School Shannondale Elementary Sequoyah Elementary Brighton Elementary Stewartsboro Elementary Madison County Rivermont Elementary Lenoir City Intermediate/Middle School Washburn School Cason Lane Academy Liberty Collegiate Academy Dayton City Elementary Thomas Magnet Elementary School Pennington Elementary Westover Elementary Chattanooga Girls Leadership Academy Tennessee High School Capshaw Elementary Chattanooga School For The Arts And Science Lower Grainger County Soddy Elementary Homestead Elementary School Altruria Elementary Bethel Springs Elementary Catlettsburg Elementary School Dyer County Baileyton Elementary Etowah Miller Perry Elementary Hume - Fogg High Franklin SSD White House Heritage High School Stanford Elementary Sullivan County Oakmont Elementary Scales Elementary School West Side Elementary Giles County John Hay Elementary Spring Hill Elementary Maury Middle School Thomas Jefferson Elementary School Englewood Elementary Sequoyah High School Robbins Elementary Chuckey Doak Middle School Midtown Elementary New Market Elementary Riverwood Elementary School Gatlinburg Pittman High Overton County John Pittard Elementary University School Knox Doss Middle School at Drakes Creek Valor Flagship Academy Mt. Juliet Elementary Greenfield School Athens City Middle School Middle College High Trousdale Co High School Westwood Elementary Robert E Ellis Middle Blue Grass Elementary Michigan Avenue Elementary School Discovery School Westwood Elementary School Dan Mills Elementary Hillsboro Elementary Smith County Middle School East Hamilton School Bowers Elementary Lakeview Elementary Fred J Page Middle School Heritage Elementary Jellico High School Decatur County Thurman Francis Arts Academy/Magnet School for the Arts Sunset Middle School Eaton Elementary Kingston Springs Elementary Philadelphia Elementary Blount County Gateway Elementary Granbery Elementary Maryville Junior High School Andrew Jackson Elementary Apison Elementary School Summertown Elementary Jack Anderson Elementary Trimble Elementary Newberry Elementary Rutherford Elementary Red Bank Middle School Sullivan South High School Debusk Elementary McMinn County Munford Middle School Bethesda Elementary Nolensville Elementary Towne Acres Elementary Rossview Elementary Dyersburg Middle School Dickson County Jim Satterfield Middle School Nashville School Of The Arts Grassland Middle School White Station High South Cumberland Elementary Central Magnet School Sylvan Park Elementary Maryville High School Rockvale Middle School Tipton County May Werthan Shayne Elementary School Anderson County Upperman High School KIPP Academy Nashville Elementary School T. W. Hunter Middle School John F. Kennedy Elementary School Loftis Middle School Lakeview Elementary School Tullahoma High School Clinton Maryville Krisle Elementary Watertown Elementary Dover Elementary Alpine Crest Elementary Beaver Elementary Pearre Creek Elementary School Lexington High School New Center Elementary Elizabethton Waverly Central High School Kingston Elementary Marion County Dayton Putnam County Robertson County Cherokee Elementary Bearden Elementary Foothills Elementary West Elementary Valley Forge Elementary Chattanooga School For The Liberal Arts St Clair Elementary Waverly Elementary Belle Forest Community School Henderson County Stuart Burns Elementary W Chester Elementary School Lipscomb Elementary Edmondson Elementary Hardin County Tusculum Elementary Charlotte Middle School Allendale Elementary School Obion County Sam Houston Elementary Gordonsville High School Dr. William Burrus Elementary at Drakes Creek Andersonville Elementary Murfreesboro Arlington Elementary Selmer Middle School Mary V Wheeler Elementary Black Fox Elementary Happy Valley Elementary Central Heights Elementary Gibson Co Sp Dist Arlington Valor Voyager Academy Christenberry Elementary Overall Creek Elementary Fentress County Chattanooga Charter School of Excellence Haynesfield Elementary Tullahoma Cherokee Middle School Bradley County Halls Elementary Chester County Middle School Dogwood Elementary School Dresden Elementary Richland School Franklin Elementary Westview Elementary Oliver Springs High School Smith County Aurora Collegiate Academy Springdale Elementary John Sevier Elementary Dupont Elementary Thrasher Elementary Germantown Holston Elementary KIPP Academy Nashville White House Heritage Elementary School Alvin C York Institute Stewarts Creek Elementary School Jefferson Middle School Homer Pittard Campus School Sunset Elementary School Alamo Roane County Decaturville Elementary Greeneville Chilhowee Middle School La Grange Moscow Elementary Madison Academic Magnet High School Knox County Munford Elementary Fairview Middle School H. Y. Livesay Middle School Holmes Road Elementary Lebanon Lakeland John Colemon Elementary Alcoa Intermediate School Heritage Middle School Lawrenceburg Public Sale Creek Middle / High School Wallace A. Smith Elementary Trousdale County Scotts Hill High School North Lee Elementary School South Park Elementary Nolensville High School Lincoln County Alcoa Ringgold Elementary Huntsville Middle School Bailey Station Elementary School Mary Blount Elementary Montgomery Ridge Intermediate School Westmoreland Elementary Walton Ferry Elementary The Discovery School Bristol L N STEM Academy Pittman Center Elementary Middlesettlements Seymour Middle School Westside Elementary Munford High School Erma Siegel Elementary Hamblen County Farragut Intermediate Dyersburg Reeves-Rogers Elementary Glenwood Elementary Holice Powell Elementary Hamilton County Highland Park Elementary Mill Creek Middle School Sango Elementary Glenn Martin Elementary Kingsbury Elementary Clarkrange High School Mt. Juliet High School Kingsport Unicoi County Centennial Elementary Rocky Fork Middle School Donelson Elementary Gray Elementary School Hamilton County Collegiate High at Chattanooga State Nolan Elementary Ravenwood High School Lookout Mountain Elementary Liberty Elementary Union City Collierville High School Davidson County Tennessee Online Public School Station Camp High School Alcoa High School Johnson City Stewarts Creek Middle School Farragut High School Seymour High School Percy Priest Elementary Shwab Elementary Delano Elementary Fayetteville Coffee County Kittrell Elementary Memphis Rise Academy Sevier County Northshore Elementary School Hollis F. Price Middle College Chatt High Center For Creative Arts Clyde Riggs Elementary Eakin Elementary South Gibson County High School Bells Elementary Cane Ridge Elementary South Side Elementary Hickory Ridge Elementary Rickman Elementary Berclair Elementary Levi Elementary Hawkins County Andrew Johnson Elementary School KIPP Nashville College Prep Rogers Creek Elementary Community Montessori School Glenellen Elementary Mitchell-Neilson Elementary Gordonsville Elementary School Moore Elementary Jefferson County Watertown High School Sulphur Springs Elementary Spring Station Middle School A. B. Hill Elementary Coulter Grove Intermediate School Woodland Elementary Hillcrest Elementary Athens Campbell County Norris Middle School South Fulton Elementary Burks Elementary McConnell Elementary Lakeland Middle Preparatory School Charlotte Elementary Washington County Jonesborough Middle School Brentwood Middle School Bartlett High School Wilson County Mill Creek Elementary School East Side Elementary Cheatham County Napier Elementary Polk County Franklin County Cedar Grove Elementary Wilson Central High School Anderson County High School Clovercroft Elementary School East Brainerd Elementary Oak Grove Elementary School Gower Elementary Bartlett Elementary School Trinity Elementary W A Wright Elementary Wayne County Dobyns - Bennett High School Cumberland County Union City High School STEM School Chattanooga McNairy County Highland Oaks Elementary Humphreys County Grand Oaks Elementary Coopertown Middle School Pleasant View Elementary Cannon County Ruby Major Elementary West Hardin Elementary Broadview Elementary Stewart County Alvin C. York Institute Church Hill Elementary Gibbs Elementary Northeast Elementary West Wilson Middle School Avoca Elementary LaVergne Middle School Robert R. Church Elementary Etowah Elementary Lucie E. Campbell Elementary Kate Bond Elementary School Oneida Greeneville High School Rutland Elementary Claiborne County City University School Of Liberal Arts South Greene High School Lake Ridge Elementary Clinton Elementary Sumner County North Middle School Sycamore Elementary School Hillsboro Elementary/ Middle School Rogersville Elementary Oneida High School Lenoir City Elementary Oak Elementary Westmeade Elementary White Station Elementary Wayne County High School Holston Middle School Rocketship Nashville Northeast Elementary Rivercrest Elementary South Gibson County Middle School Weakley County Clarksville High Rutherford County Station Camp Elementary Crosswind Elementary School George Washington Elementary School McKenzie High School Bon Lin Elementary School Glendale Elementary Rockford Elementary Russellville Elementary South Polk Elementary Williamson County Woodland Middle School Farmington Elementary School Oakland Elementary East Montgomery Elementary Rossview High Allen Elementary Grundy County Freedom Intermediate Atoka Elementary School West Hills Elementary Nannie Berry Elementary Monroe County Fairview Marguerite Manchester Bledsoe County Fayette County Public Schools
In 2018 Tennessee designated the schools most in need of support and improvement as Priority schools. Priority schools are eligible for additional funding and are supported by the department, particularly in developing an evidence-based school improvement plan based on needs assessments and root cause analysis work. Priority school identification occurs at least every three years, and in 2019 schools had their first opportunity to exit the list by meeting specific performance criteria.
Schools were identified in 2018 as Priority for one of two reasons:
- being in the bottom five percent in 2015-16 and 2016-17 AND not meeting the TVAAS safe harbor, which allows schools to not be identified if they are showing high growth, or
- having a graduation rate of less than 67 percent in 2017-18.
*Following state legislation passed in April 2018, no school is identified as a Priority school using 2017-18 TNReady data. However, schools could use data from 2017-18 to exit the Priority list.
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School Name |
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Gra-Mar Middle Memphis Delta Preparatory Charter School Memphis Scholars Florida Kansas Tom Joy Elementary Corning Achievement Elementary DuBois Middle School of Arts Technology* The Excel Center* Jere Baxter Middle Georgian Hills Middle Brick Church: A LEAD Public School The Cohn Learning Center Hawkins Mill Elementary Antioch Middle Westwood High Whitney Achievement Elementary School Maplewood High Geeter School Arlington Elementary School Shelby County Orchard Knob Elementary Freedom Preparatory Academy Charter Elementary School Winchester Elementary Brainerd High School Rosebank Elementary Moses McKissack Middle Haynes Middle American Way Middle Cumberland Elementary Hamilton County Campbell County Hardy Elementary School Memphis Scholars Caldwell-Guthrie Closed at the end of the 2018-19 school year. Dalewood Middle School DuBois Elementary School of Arts Technology* Kirby Middle School Whites Creek High School changed instructional types, and is no longer eligible for identification. Wooddale Middle School Jackson Career Technology Magnet Elementary Sheffield Elementary Joelton Middle Aspire Hanley Middle School Amqui Elementary Woodmore Elementary Hillcrest High School Memphis Scholars Raleigh-Egypt Isaac Lane Technology Magnet Elementary Davidson County Achievement School District Sheffield High Trezevant High Orchard Knob Middle Neely's Bend: A LEAD Public School Magnolia Elementary Madison County Frayser Achievement Elementary Fairley High School DuBois Middle of Leadership Public Policy* Westside Middle School Northwest Prep Academy Jellico Elementary Wright Middle Madison Middle Lincoln Elementary School Martin Luther King Preparatory High School Ida B. Wells Elementary* Clifton Hills Elementary Alex Green Elementary The Howard School Wooddale High In 2017-18 Caldwell Elementary was identified as Priority. This school is now called Ida B. Wells. City University School Girls Preparatory Warner Elementary Craigmont Middle Calvin Donaldson Environmental Science Academy McMurray Middle Hamilton High Bellshire Elementary Woodstock Middle School Granville T. Woods Academy of Innovation Charter School Robert E. Lillard Elementary
Tennessee was required by federal law to include 2017-18 data in determining Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) schools, which is a new federal designation for schools in need of improvement. 2019 CSI schools include all 2018 Priority schools and 2018 CSI schools. Additionally, CSI schools include all schools in the Achievement School District, regardless of performance. Many Achievement School District schools otherwise do not fall into the bottom five percent. Furthermore, these schools remain eligible for additional funding and will be supported by the department, similar to Priority schools.
*There was significant overlap between the 2018 Priority and 2018 CSI lists.
KIPP Memphis Preparatory Elementary KIPP Memphis Academy Elementary Aspire Hanley Elementary Buena Vista Elementary Cornerstone Prep Lester Campus Knox County KIPP Memphis Preparatory Middle Aspire Coleman The Phoenix School Sarah Moore Greene Magnet Technology Academy Pathways in Education - TN Lester Prep Achievement School District Davidson County Cornerstone Prep Denver Campus Cumberland County Pathways in Education - Whitehaven Promise Academy - Spring Hill Robert Churchwell Elementary Libertas School Shelby County Manassas High Humes Preparatory Academy Middle School
In 2019 Priority and Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) schools were able to exit designation status. Please note, per Tennessee’s state ESSA plan, all schools in the Achievement School District are required to be identified as CSI. We recognize these schools' successes and improvements shown in student performance.
Exit Criteria for these designations includes the following:
- exceed 15th percentile for most recent year’s success rate
- exceed 10th percentile for two most recent year’s success rate
- earn TVAAS 4 or 5 in all accountability content areas for two consecutive years
- if identified for graduating less than 67 percent of its students, the school can exit by graduating at least 67 percent of its students in both of the two most recent years.
Cornerstone Prep Denver Campus Dunbar Elementary Georgian Hills Achievement Elementary School Fayette County La Grange Moscow Elementary Shelby County Lester Prep Getwell Elementary Achievement School District Robert R. Church Elementary
Tennessee is required by federal law to identify Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) schools. TSI schools are those that fall in the bottom five percent for their weighted overall accountability score for any given student subgroup (i.e. Black/Hispanic/Native American, Economically Disadvantaged, English Learners, or Students with Disabilities) or any given racial or ethnic group (i.e., Hispanic/Latino, Black or African American, American Indian or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, Asian, and White). These schools will be supported by the department and are eligible for additional funding. Additionally, TSI school identification will occur annually.
East Elementary School Ingram Sowell Elementary John F. Kennedy Middle Chickasaw Middle Inglewood Elementary Keystone Elementary Northside Elementary Gardenview Elementary Shelby County Lewis County Oakhaven Elementary Bel Aire Elementary Power Center Academy Elementary School Treadwell Elementary Tullahoma Marshall County Kate Bond Middle School Bellevue Middle Blackman High School Hickman County Bradley County Eagleton Middle School Greene County Cosby High School Clay County Mosheim Elementary Ross N. Robinson Middle School Jackson County Middle School Montgomery County Jackson Central-Merry Early College High Sequatchie County Jefferson Middle School William Henry Oliver Middle Lauderdale County Roane County Greeneville Jones Elementary DeKalb County Knox County West Haven Elementary Cedar Bluff Middle School Pickett County Elementary Northwest Elementary Hickman Co Middle School Karns Elementary Meadowview Middle School Bedford County Heritage Middle School E O Coffman Middle School Pigeon Forge Primary Ellen Myers Primary South Pittsburg Elementary Richland Elementary Houston Co Middle School Strive Collegiate Academy Henry County Rossview Middle Star Academy Erin Elementary Freedom Middle School Rogersville Middle School Sweetwater Jr High School Pickett County Carter County Lawrence County Goodlett Elementary Central Middle School Hamblen County Collierville Ooltewah Middle School Watertown Middle School Paulette Elementary School Hamilton County Highland Park Elementary Church Hill Intermediate School Lewisburg Middle School Spring Hill Middle School Northview Intermediate School Kingsport Humboldt Junior/Senior High School Maury County Sweetwater Big Sandy School Rose Hill School Henry Elementary Union City Davidson County Perry County Lewis Co High School South Central Elementary Madison County Harris Middle School Glencliff High School Crump Elementary Centerville Intermediate School Ridgemont Elementary Fayetteville C Hal Henard Elementary Memphis Business Academy Middle Sevier County Northeast Middle DuPont Hadley Middle Waverly Jr High School South Side Elementary Knowledge Academy Parris South Elementary Whitworth-Buchanan Middle School Huntingdon Special School District Inskip Elementary Hawkins County Riverdale High School Highland Oaks Middle Colonial Heights Middle Franklin SSD Blountville Middle School Chimneyrock Elementary School Collierville Middle School Sullivan County Jackson County West Side Elementary Elkton Elementary Giles County Jefferson County Centerview Elementary Croft Middle Trenton Middle School Humboldt City Schools Southern Avenue Charter School Of Academic Excellence Creative Arts Kingsbury Middle Dibrell Elementary Montgomery Central Middle Cedar Bluff Elementary Washington County Ford Road Elementary Griffith Elementary Bobby Ray Memorial Celina K-8 Wilson County Linden Elementary West Creek Middle Belle Morris Elementary Avery Trace Middle School Blount County Petros Joyner Elementary Smyrna High School Cecil B Rigsby Elementary Charjean Elementary Whitehaven Elementary Cane Ridge High School Jere Whitson Elementary Emerald Academy Humphreys County Clinton Middle School Tennessee Virtual Academy Hull-Jackson Elementary Cannon County Winridge Elementary A L Lotts Elementary Monteagle Elementary Whitwell Middle School Douglass Elementary/Middle Sherwood Middle Cocke County Hampton High School Mt. Pleasant Middle Visual Perform. Arts West Middle School Taylor Elementary School Cosby Elementary William Herbert Brewster Elementary School Anderson County Norwood Elementary Harriman Middle School Union City Elementary School Claiborne County Haywood Elementary Chilhowee Intermediate Linden Middle School Maynardville Elementary Ripley Middle School Brown Middle School Sequatchie Co Middle School Benton County Warren County Holston Middle School Union County Cordova Elementary Marion County Fayetteville High School Putnam County Morgan County Rutherford County Pisgah Elementary Westwood Middle School Hawkins Elementary Houston County Shady Grove Elementary Huntingdon Primary Hardin County Egypt Elementary Sevierville Middle School Parrottsville Elementary Obion County Manchester Bledsoe County Trenton Hickory Ridge Middle
Tennessee is required by federal law to include 2017-18 data in determining Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI) schools, which is a new federal designation for schools that need particular focus on their student group performance. 2018 ATSI schools are the schools with the lowest performance across student groups using 2017-18 data. These schools will be supported by the department and are eligible for additional funding.
The department identifies ATSI schools every three years. The Every Student Succeeds Act defines ATSI schools as those in which “any subgroup of students, on its own, would lead to identification” as a Priority school. Only students identified as TSI based on the most recent TSI list will be eligible for ATSI identification. TSI schools whose student group success rates are less than or equal to the maximum success rate of any Priority school in heir pool will be identified as ATSI if they do not also have a score of A or B for each indicator for which tat student group is eligible. More information on ATSI identification is available in the 2019-20 Accountability Protocol .
In the future, ATSI schools will be a portion of the state’s Focus schools, which are the schools that historically Tennessee has designated for need of improvement due to the performance of one or more student groups.
Hancock County Elementary Northwest Middle School Joe Shafer Middle School McMinn County Haywood County Hancock County Larose Elementary Liberty Technology Magnet High School Pathways in Education - Whitehaven Unicoi Co Middle School Goodlettsville Middle Vine Middle/Magnet North Parkway Middle School Shelby County East Hickman Middle School RePublic High School Whitthorne Middle School Bledsoe County Middle School Knowledge Academies High School Niota Elementary East Nashville Middle Hickman County Craigmont High Waynesboro Middle School Cummings Elementary/Middle Sumner County Kenwood Middle DuPont Tyler Middle Kingsbury High Unicoi County Maury County Apollo Middle E. A. Cox Middle School Overton High Davidson County Southwind High Achievement School District Robertson County East Side Elementary Madison County Montgomery County Memphis Academy Of Health Sciences Coffee County Middle School Snowden Elementary/Middle West Junior High School Coffee County Knox County Kirby High Wayne County John Overton High Maynard Elementary Springfield High School Bledsoe County Antioch High School Margaret Allen Middle Fayette County Public Schools