May 2022 Open Line

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May 27, 2022

WEEKLY WELLNESS TIP:  There are many reasons to live tobacco-free. Check out 100 Reasons to Quit Tobacco. When you’re ready to quit tobacco, we’re here for you. There are several ways to get to your destination. Start your journey using this map.


  • Department of Human Services 10-Minute Fitness Break
    Every Wednesday from 11-11:10 a.m. CT
    Join the meeting. (same link every week)
  • Department of Children’s Services Thursday Fitness Break
    Every Thursday from 11-11:15 a.m. CT
    Give your body a break with the DCS Wellness Council every Thursday from 11-11:15 a.m. CT on Microsoft Teams! You can expect a Livestream workout video handpicked by the DCS Wellness Council.
    Download the Thursday calendar invite
  • Can't join us live? Access these Free At-Home Workouts any time on-demand!

HELP DCS BECOME WELLNESS WEEK CHAMPS!  The Department of Children’s Services is drumming up some friendly competition with our other executive agencies and we need YOUR help to become 2022 WELLNESS WEEK CHAMPIONS.

  • How can you rep for Team DCS?  Complete daily challenges (including Mental Health Monday, Tasty Tuesday, Workout Wednesday, Thoughtful Thursday and Financial Friday) the week of Monday, June 6- Friday, June 10 and let us know you participated.
  • Any and all involvement throughout the week can help Team DCS so let us know if you’re interested in helping us take home a wellness win by signing-up for these daily reminders.


May 20, 2022

WEEKLY WELLNESS TIP:  Sanvello is a mobile app to help with stress, anxiety and depression. The premium version of the app is available to Tennessee State Government employees through your Here4TN benefits at no extra cost! Get more information, including how to register and download the app.


Sanvello App Demo (Presented by Here4TN): Tuesday, May 24 from 10-10:15 a.m. CT. Join us during Mental Health Awareness Month for a live virtual demo of the Sanvello app! Sanvello offers clinical techniques to help dial down the symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression, at any time. The Sanvello app is available to you at no extra cost as part of your employee assistance program benefits. Download the calendar invite. Can't join us live? Learn more in this one-minute video from Wellness Coordinator, Lindsey Joe.

Social Media: Use and Misuse (Presented by Here4TN): Thursday, May 26 from 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. CT. In this workshop, Here4TN explores both the benefits and negative impacts of social media. While we recognize there are many reasons to engage with others through social media, there is a downside if it becomes too compulsive or we can’t switch it off. You may have read about how social media can be addictive and harmful. There are many simple changes we can make to help keep social media fun and relevant. Register here.


May 13, 2022

WEEKLY WELLNESS TIP:  It’s MEDITERRANEAN DIET MONTH! While the Mediterranean Diet reflects a way of eating that’s traditional in countries that surround the Mediterranean Sea, you don’t need to travel any further than your local supermarket to discover its delicious flavors and fresh foods!

TAKE A TRIVIA BREAK WITH MORGAN.  Let’s take a mental break to help lower stress and bring some fun into your day. Join WFHTN Wellness Coordinator Morgan for a live trivia break on Thursday, May 19 from 1-1:15 p.m. CT. The top three players will be awarded a prize!

RECIPE OF THE WEEK.  Try a new recipe, like this simple, 30-minute Mediterranean Baked Sweet Potatoes recipe topped with roasted chickpeas, a simple garlic-herb sauce, and a parsley tomato salad. This dish is delicious, fresh, healthy and naturally vegan, and gluten-free!

MAKE MAY ABOUT “ME”.  It’s not too late to join in on the DCS Wellness Council’s "It's Gonna Be Me Challenge" to practice simple acts of self-care to help relieve your stress. Remember, self-care is NOT selfish - it's essential!  Complete 10 acts of self-care and redeem your challenge “Reward Card” for a wellness prize.

  • If you’re up for this challenge from Sunday, May 1 - Tuesday, May 31, please sign-up for the challenge communications HERE. (**Note: You do not have to sign-up for these communications to participate in this challenge. You can let us know you participated in this challenge & submit your completed challenge Reward Card to by EOD Friday, June 3.)


May 6, 2022

WEEKLY WELLNESS TIP:  May is Mental Health Awareness month. Mental health is a crucial part of your overall health. Tennessee State Government employees have access to help 24/7 through Here4TN. You can talk privately online or on the phone to someone about any issue, no matter how big or small.

  • Learn more about the resources available to you here.
  • Test your knowledge with our 10-question Mental Health Myths quiz!
  • And/or join the upcoming “How to Support Mental Health Concerns in the Workplace” webinar (presented by Here4TN).
    • Tuesday, May 10 from 1-1:30 p.m. CT
    • This session covers depression and anxiety, two of the most common mental health issues that can affect us, our families, friends and the workplace. Participants will learn important information about what depression and anxiety are, what to do, and where to go to find personal or family support. Participants will learn how to:
      • Identify appropriate intervention methods
      • Understand the impact of clinical depression in the workplace
      • Clarify the difference between feeling “down”, sadness and depression
      • Create an action plan for supporting mental health concerns in the workplace
  • Register here. (Can't join us live? Request the training materials HERE.)
  • You can access all our upcoming WFHTN activities and events here.

IT’S GONNA BE MAY CHALLENGE.  It’s not too late to join in on the DCS Wellness Council’s "It's Gonna Be Me Challenge" to practice simple acts of self-care to help relieve your stress. Remember, self-care is NOT selfish - it's essential!  Complete 10 acts of self-care and redeem your challenge “Reward Card” for a wellness prize!

  • If you’re up for this challenge from Sunday, May 1 - Tuesday, May 31, please sign-up for the challenge communications HERE.
    (**Note: You do not have to sign-up for these communications to participate in this challenge. You can let us know you participated in this challenge & submit your completed challenge Reward Card to by EOD Friday, June 3.)
HALT Technique