Debra K. Johnson Rehabilitation Center

Warden Taurean James
3881 Stewarts Lane
Nashville, Tennessee 37243-0468
(Davidson County)
(615) 741-1255
*Use the zip code 37218-3302 for offender correspondence.

The Debra K. Johnson Rehabilitation Center (DJRC), located in Nashville, serves as the primary diagnostic center for females in Tennessee. The prison has a capacity of 817 inmates and houses female offenders with custody levels ranging from minimum to maximum. DJRC currently houses Tennessee’s only female death row offender.
Originally known as the Tennessee Prison for Women, the facility was permanently renamed in August of 2020 to honor the life and legacy of Debra K. Johnson – a dedicated public servant who tragically lost her life in the line of duty.
The facility offers a multitude of evidence-based programs to meet the rehabilitative needs of offenders. DJRC offers academic opportunities including Adult Basic Education and Title I special education classes. Nationally recognized certifications can be obtained through completion of vocational programming such as career exploration, computer application and literacy, culinary arts, and career management for success. DJRC also addresses the behavioral health needs of inmates by offering programs like substance use, anger management, cognitive behavior intervention, and victim impact classes.
Through community partnerships, DJRC offers:
- Associates, bachelors, and master’s degree programs through Lipscomb University.
- An associate degree program through Tennessee Higher Education Initiative & Nashville State Community College.
- Computer Information Technology & Cosmetology Certifications through Tennessee College of Applied Technology.
- The BEST (Building Entrepreneurship for Success in Tennessee) program, empowering individuals with the knowledge of starting their own business upon release, giving them the knowledge of being great employees, and giving back to the community.
- Retrieving Independence, a program where offenders train puppies to be service animals that will, upon graduation, be placed with individuals living with physical, mental, or emotional disabilities.
- Thistle on the Inside, a sister community to Thistle Farms that supports incarcerated women through informed care, healing, and a structured place to live after release.
- Tennessee Rehabilitative Initiative in Correction (TRICOR) provides job opportunities for offenders at both the main prison and the annex.
Finally, DJRC operates a transition center, located directly across the street from the main compound in Nashville. The transition center is specifically designed for women who will soon be released, providing short-term transitional services, and allowing offenders to work toward gaining job and life skills that will assist in a productive re-entry into society.
Watch the videos below to learn more about the Debra K. Johnson Rehabilitation Center.