Bledsoe County Correctional Complex

Warden Brett Cobble
1045 Horsehead Road
Pikeville, Tennessee 37367
(Bledsoe County)
(423) 881-3251

The Bledsoe County Correctional Complex (BCCX), located in Pikeville, serves as TDOC’s diagnostic facility for all male offenders entering TDOC custody. With an operating capacity of 2,265 inmates, BCCX houses both male and female offenders ranging in custody level from minimum to maximum and employs nearly 700 staff in the Cumberland Plateau. On average, the facility conducts over 4,500 intakes every year.
BCCX, opened in 2012, consists of three sites located on 2,500 acres. Site 1, the diagnostic center, is where all offenders go when first entering TDOC custody - receiving a comprehensive diagnostic assessment to determine their medical, mental health, and programming needs. Site 1 includes space for inmate workers and a supported living unit. Site 2, formerly the Southeast Tennessee State Regional Correctional Facility, houses male inmates, including a 152-bed annex. Site 3, also known as Unit 28, houses approximately 196 female offenders.
BCCX offers its population a variety of evidence-based programs to meet the rehabilitative needs of offenders. Both male and female offenders have access to Adult Basic Education (ABE) and Career Management for Success classes. Men also have access to vocational programs including Barbering, Core Carpentry I & II, Core Electrical I & II, Core Construction, and Culinary Arts. Women have access to Computer Aided Drafting, Horticulture & Landscaping, and Cosmetology programs. while at BCCX. To address the behavioral health needs of inmates, BCCX offers cognitive behavior intervention, evidence-based psychotherapy, a mental health supportive living unit, a protective custody therapeutic community, a substance use therapeutic community, substance use group therapy, substance use aftercare, and workforce development.
Through community partnerships with the community, BCCX offers:
- Associate degree program in business administration through Chattanooga State Community College (MALES)
- Building Construction Trades, Computer Information Technology, and Diesel Engine Technology certifications through the Tennessee College of Applied Technology (TCAT) (MALES)
- Computer-aided Design (CAD) and Cosmetology through Tennessee College of Applied Technology (TCAT) (FEMALES)
- Tennessee Rehabilitative Initiative in Correction (TRICOR) offers hundreds of inmates’ jobs with transferrable skillsets through the Shaw Industry flooring plant and cattle farm
Offenders not involved in academic or vocational programs are required to work in support service roles throughout the prison including landscaping, janitorial services, or food services.
To learn more about the Bledsoe County Correctional Complex, watch the videos below.