Transportation Alternatives Program
There have been a lot of improvements in our Tennessee communities since the former Federal Transportation Enhancement (TE) Program, now known as the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP), began providing funds to local governments in 1991. Nearly $409 million in grants have been distributed by the Department. The money has gone to hundreds of communities across the Volunteer State to build sidewalks and bike lanes, update ADA accessibility and to renovate historic transportation facilities and other transportation-related structures. The impact of some of the projects is primarily local, whereas projects such as the wildflower planting along roadways across the state can be enjoyed annually by thousands of Tennesseans and tourists. Whether large or small, the projects serve the same purposes - improving access and providing a better quality of life for people in the state of Tennessee.
Timeline for the Transportation Alternative Cycle
The TAP application cycle is open annually from August 1st through the first Friday in October.
All local governmental agencies, including those within the Memphis, Nashville, Chattanooga, and Knoxville MPOs/TPOs, may submit an application to the State competitive program. Contact your MPO/TPO for additional information and specific guidelines regarding regional competitive program schedules.
Application Details
TDOT will only accept applications through the eGrants system. The submission must still include the necessary budget, detailed maps, photographs, preliminary sketches and support letters.
Standardized budget templates are available as a link in eGrants. Printable working copies of a previous blank application, instruction booklet and template are located below. Line items can be added or deleted as needed for any stage utilizing TDOT line item numbers when available, however, the TAP budget template itself must be used. Note: the structural template tab is for Historic Preservation and Rehabilitation of Historic Transportation Facilities only.
Related Materials
Transportation Alternatives Program Resources