One DHS Customer Portal

All of DHS in One Place -

The Department of Human Services provides an array of support services aimed at building and empowering strong Tennessee families. The One DHS Customer Portal is a self-service website that helps our customers to connect to these services in one convenient online location.

Applying for and Maintaining Services from One Location

With the One DHS Customer Portal, Tennesseans can apply for, access, and maintain the following services administered by TDHS:

The One DHS Customer Portal makes it easy to:

  • Apply for benefits
  • Upload, submit, and view documents related to services
  • Update household and contact information
  • Check your case status
  • Review notifications about your case
  • File Appeals
  • Learn about programs, services and find answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Getting Started with the One DHS Customer Portal

To use the One DHS Customer Portal, you must create an account at

How to Create a One DHS Customer Portal Account:

  • Visit to create an account.
  • Select the option to create an account. You must have a valid email address to create an account. (If you need to create an email address, you may click on the options on the left of the page to take the steps to create an email account.) When setting up your username and password, be careful in entering what you select as your password. Using the copy/paste feature is not recommended.
  • On the Create an Account page, enter your personal information, follow the steps to review and agree to the terms of service, check and follow the instruction to confirm the reCAPTCHA steps, then click NEXT.
  • You will receive a notification that you need to confirm your email address. Go to your email account and select the email from DHS to verify your account. Click the button to verify your email account. If you fail to respond to the confirmation e-mail within 24 hours, your account creation will not be completed.
  • Once you’re back on the One DHS Customer portal website, you will be asked to verify your identity on the Identity Verification Page. These credentials are used to confirm your identity when you log into your One DHS account and must be entered to receive full account access. You will be asked for your name, address, date of birth and last 4 digits of your Social Security Number. Follow the steps, then click NEXT. You have the option to Opt Out. However, failing to provide these credentials may limit your use of the portal and increase processing times until you can verify your identity.
  • On the next page, you must answer questions that only you should know the answer to. This helps in verifying your identity. Once you have answered the questions correctly, you will receive notification that your identity has been verified. You will then click continue, and you will be guided to the One DHS dashboard. Congrats! Your account is created. From here you can access applications, upload tools, check case status, chat and the Knowledge Base, which includes information on DHS programs and services.

You must create a new One DHS Customer Portal account. Follow the steps outlined in the section above.

You can use the same login credentials (email address and password) to log in at If you attempt to create a new One DHS Portal account with the email address used for the Relief portal ( you will be cautioned that the email is already in use. Simply visit to login with the same username and password.

Accessing and Managing Services through the One DHS Customer Portal

Use the information below to begin accessing programs and services through the One DHS Customer Portal.

Customers enrolled in the Child Care Payment Assistance Program (Smart Steps, Child Care Certificate, subsidized child care program) can navigate to the Child Care Dashboard from their One DHS account home page. This dashboard allows users to:

  • Apply for services or link to an existing Child Care Payment Assistance case
  • View benefits and open applications
  • Upload documents
  • Change contact information and One DHS customer profile details

Note: Currently, customers must upload documents for Child Care Payment Assistance using the One DHS Customer Portal Child Care Payment Assistance Dashboard. Although programs such as Relief/Disaster Assistance, SNAP and Families First may require the same documentation, documents for these programs must be uploaded using the “Family Assistance File Upload” links on the One DHS Customer Portal Home Page. 

The One DHS Customer Portal is a gateway for customers to access and manage several case management dashboards. Links to the Child Support, Families First, and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) account management tools are accessed from the One DHS home page. 

The One DHS Customer Portal is a gateway for customers to file appeals for SNAP, Families First, Child Care Payment assistance, Child Support and other programs.

Customers enrolled in Disaster Relief Assistance programs such as Disaster SNAP (D-SNAP), Emergency Cash Assistance (ECA), or Pandemic EBT (P-EBT), can access and manage these services by selecting the “Access Relief Portal” link on the One DHS Customer Portal dashboard Click Here for help navigating the P-EBT Parent Portal.

Customers can also upload documents and check their case status for these programs using links on the One DHS Customer Portal dashboard. When you log into Child Support, Families First, or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) dashboards, you are exiting the One DHS Customer Portal.

Note: Currently, customers must upload documents for SNAP and Families First using the “Family Assistance File Upload” links on the One DHS Customer Portal Home Page. Although Child Care Payment Assistance may require the same documentation, documents for this program must be uploaded using the Child Care Services Dashboard. 

Other One DHS Customer Portal Features

Translate: The One DHS Customer Portal Uses Google Translate to provide the information you need in the language of your choice. Simply use the Translate drop-down menu in the top right corner of the screen to find the language you need.

Search Function: The search function at the top of the page can be used to find topics and services available through Tennessee State Government web pages.

Learn: The One DHS Customer Portal Knowledge Base is a collection of articles on Tennessee Department of Human Services programs, services, protocols, contact information and related topics that can be viewed when you select “Learn” on the One DHS Customer Portal menu or scroll to the bottom of the page to browse the Knowledge Base. Customers can search the database using keywords, browse the database by topic and download forms to meet their needs.

Ava the Virtual Assistant: Ava, the Tennessee Department of Human Services Virtual Assistant can direct you to the answers for many of your questions and provide points of contact to speak to TDHS team members regarding the One DHS Customer Portal or your case. Look for the “Chat with Ava” image on the lower right side of the page to chat and find the answers you need. Please Note: When you use the customer portal as a gateway to access Child Support, Families First or SNAP dashboards, Ava may not be available. 

One DHS Customer Portal Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, a One DHS account is needed to access the Child Care Payment Assistance application, Child Support application, Families First application, SNAP application, to file an Appeal and other services.

TDHS is working to make all services accessible from one location. Eventually, this will allow customers to use one set of log-in credentials to see all services and associated documents on one dashboard within the One DHS Customer Portal. During the transitional period, the portal will act as a gateway to view multiple services and programs.

Use the “Forgot Your Password” option on the One DHS Customer Portal log in page to receive directions and update your password. Please note: only one password reset is permitted within a 24-hour time period, otherwise you will be locked out of the account for 24 hours.

When you start an application within the One DHS Customer Portal, you may save progress and return to finish the application. Each time you save your progress, you have 48 hours to return to the application. 

The One DHS Customer Portal will gradually be updated to allow customers to see credentials for Child Care Payment AssistanceChild SupportFamilies First (TANF)Supplemental Nutrition, Assistance Program (SNAP) and Disaster Relief Assistance (D SNAP, Emergency Cash Assistance, P-EBT) from a single dashboard. Currently, these services have individual pages.

If you applied for a TDHS service such as SNAP, Families First, Child Support or Child Care in the months and days prior to March 19, 2022, you do not need to reapply for benefits. However, you may need to create a One DHS account to view your case status or to upload documents. See the section above for instructions on creating a One DHS account.

Currently, documents for the Child Care Payment Assistance Program must be uploaded from the Child Care dashboard within the One DHS Customer Portal. Documents related to Families First and SNAP can be uploaded using the “Family Assistance File Upload” tool on the One DHS Customer Portal home page. Documents related to Disaster Relief programs (Disaster SNAP, Emergency Cash Assistance, P-EBT) can be uploaded using the Disaster Relief programs dashboard. 

Get More Answers About the One DHS Customer Portal

Chat With Us

Ava, the Tennessee Department of Human Services Virtual Assistant can direct you to the answers for many of your questions and provide points of contact to speak to TDHS workers regarding the One DHS Customer Portal or your case. Look for the “Chat with Ava” image on the lower right side of the page to chat and find the answers you need. Please Note: When you use customer portal as a gateway to access Child Support, Families First or SNAP dashboards, Ava may not be available.

Submit an Inquiry Form

The TDHS inquiry form is a convenient way to submit an inquiry about your case. Once the form is submitted, a TDHS representative will contact you regarding the information provided on your form.  Click Here to submit a form.

Give Us a Call or an E-mail

Child Care Payment Assistance

Phone: 1-833-772-TDHS (8347)

General Inquiry Form: Click Here

Child Support

Call your local office. Find contact information by clicking here.

Family Assistance Service Center

(Families First and SNAP)

Phone: 866-311-4287

Watch a Video

TDHS has videos available on our Tennessee Department of Human Services YouTube page to help you navigate the P-EBT Parent Portal and other TDHS tools. Click here to watch now.

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Many updates are shared via our social media pages and messaging. Find us on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter to discover updates on TDHS programs, or visit our YouTube for informative videos about TDHS programming.