Emergency Preparedness
Tennessee school personnel are charged with the safety and care of students during emergency situations, such as natural disasters or other potential hazards. The School Safety resources below include various training elements involved in emergency management in Tennessee schools.
Tornado Danger Signs
- Dark, greenish sky
- Large hail
- Low‐lying cloud that may be rotating
- Loud roar, like a freight train
- Sudden drop in barometric pressure
- Strong winds >60 mph
- Frequent, intense lightning
Do Not Use
- Areas with large roof spans such as gymnasiums, auditoriums, cafeterias, etc.
- Temporary or portable classrooms.
- Hallways that have glass doors at each end that open to the outdoors.
Shelter Areas
- Best Shelter Areas
- Basements or interior lower levels
- Areas with a short roof span
- Away from glass or other safety hazards
- Hallways:
- Use interior hallways at a 90 degree angle to thru hallways that exit to the outside to help reduce wind tunnel effects.
- Harden hallway shelter areas as needed to reduce exposure to flying debris and other hazards.
- Use interior hallways at a 90 degree angle to thru hallways that exit to the outside to help reduce wind tunnel effects.
Terms to Know
- Tornado Watch: Tornadoes are possible in the area. Be ready to act quickly if a warning is issued.
- Tornado Warning: A tornado has been sighted or indicated by weather radar. Take shelter immediately underground to a basement, storm cellar or interior room.
Additional Tornado Resources
Resource Links | Resource Description |
Tornado Preparedness Checklists for Schools | This checklist gives guidance for schools on what to observe for and how to respond for a tornado emergency. |
OSHA Tornado Preparedness and Response | This links to the Occupational Safety & Health Administration’s website for information related to tornados. |
CDC Tornado Emergency Preparedness and Response | This links to the Center for Disease Control & Prevention website for information related to tornados. |
Earthquakes can happen at any time with little to no warning. In fact, portions of West Tennessee lie along the New Madrid fault line. Preparing for this unique type of emergency can help save precious lives. The information below should help guide you in your efforts to prepare for an earthquake.
Be mindful that some earthquakes are foreshocks, and a larger earthquake might occur. During a quake, be sure to minimize your movements to a few steps and stay indoors until the shaking has stopped.
Resource Links | Resource Description |
ready.gov/earthquakes | This links to the Ready website that provides guidance on disasters and emergencies. This is specifically for earthquake information. |
The Center for Earthquake Research | This link connects to the University of Memphis’ Center for Earthquake Research & Information (CERI). Many other resources related to earthquakes can be found here. |
Earthquake Guidance for School PDF | This document gives information on how to stay safe in an earthquake situation. |
The Emergency Management Institute (EMI) offers more than fifty independent study courses. These are self-paced courses designed for people who have emergency management responsibilities. For most of the courses you will need to download and print the materials.
All courses are available at no cost. Furthermore, you may choose to take a test at the end of each module to certify yourself in each course. Click on the appropriate link below and you will be directed to the corresponding course and materials. This is a wonderful opportunity to broaden your knowledge of emergency management.
Resource Links | Resource Description |
An Introduction to Hazardous Materials | These links are training modules at the FEMA website. These trainings are self-paced and give the user information about the specific topic. There are other training modules on the website as well that could be beneficial. For a complete list of training's offered by the Emergency Management Institute, or more information, visit the FEMA website. |
Anticipating Hazardous Weather & Community Risk | |
Decision Making and Problem Solving | |
Emergency Planning | |
Introduction to Incident Command System for Schools | |
Leadership and Influence | |
Multi-Hazard Emergency Planning for Schools | |
Planning for the Needs of Children in Disasters | |
Preparing for Mass Casualty Incidents: A Guide for Schools, Higher Education, and Houses of Worship | |
Social Media in Emergency Management |
Not only can emergencies take place at school, but at home as well. It is important for families and children to prepare for whatever emergency might take place - in and outside of school. Tennessee schools are required to have emergency plans. Similarly, families need to develop their own plans. Below are resources provided by the American Red Cross, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and other emergency management organizations to help you and your family prepare for the unexpected.
Resource Links | Resource Description |
Are You Ready? A Guide to Citizen Preparedness | Make a plan today. Your family may not be together if a disaster strikes, so it is important to know which types of disasters could affect your area. Know how you’ll contact one another and reconnect if separated. Establish a family meeting place that’s familiar and easy to find. |
Prepare your Home and Family | Everyone knows the Red Cross helps people during emergencies. But you may not know that it’s also part of our mission to help you help yourself! Becoming “Red Cross Ready” for an emergency means following our simple steps in advance to ensure you can weather a crisis safely and comfortably. Being prepared may not prevent a disaster, but it will give you confidence to meet the challenge. |
Build a Kit Ready.gov | After an emergency, you may need to survive on your own for several days. Being prepared means having your own food, water and other supplies to last for several days. A disaster supplies kit is a collection of basic items your household may need in the event of an emergency. |
Resource Links | Resource Description |
Prepare with Pedro | Prepare with Pedro is a 30- to 45-minute preparedness education program for grades K-2 that teaches students how to BE PREPARED and TAKE ACTION for either home fires or a local hazard. Prepare with Pedro compliments The Pillowcase Project in scope and mission, by reading a story featuring a penguin named Pedro.
FEMA for Kids | Disasters happen everywhere, and every member of the family can prepare. Preparedness for the future starts today. Whether you’re a kid or teen yourself, a parent or loved one, or work with youth, Ready Kids has tools and information to help before, during and after disasters. |
kidcentral TN | kidcentraltn.com allows you to find what you need easily and quickly - all from one location. Tag articles that are important for your child. Explore developmental milestones based on your child's age. Receive recommendations for articles and services that might fit your family. |
Schools play a unique role in emergency management. Charged with the safety and care of our children, school personnel have a responsibility to ensure that they are able to appropriately handle an emergency situation.
Resource Links | Resource Description |
FEMA Guidance on School Planning for Natural Hazards | This course will provide you with the basic information and tools needed to develop effective plans for the wide array of potential emergencies that schools may face. Also known as G364, Multi-Hazard Emergency Planning for Schools is a (2) day course that brings together school safety teams and their local responders for an in-depth review and revision course of their Emergency Operations Plan. |
Each school facility and school district are required to have a comprehensive emergency operations plan developed in collaboration with local emergency response agencies. These plans should be based on natural, technological, and human-caused hazards identified within the community. School district and school facility EOP templates are available. To begin developing or revising your existing plans review Guide for Developing High Quality School Emergency Operations Plans. Also find additional planning resources below that will help you comply with each of the planning requirements set forth.
- Armed Intruder Drill Best Practices
- Emergency Operations Planning Emergency Go Kits
- Emergency Operations Planning Tips for Annex B
- Fire Drill Best Practices
- Managing Hoax Threats
- PREPARE Postvention Manual
- Sample Memorandum of Understanding for Relocation Site
- Sample Public Information Release
- Trauma Informed Drills
- Trauma Informed Fire Safety Announcements