FF287 Let's Talk Electric Vehicle Safety
Let’s Talk Electric Vehicle Safety
Overview: In today’s constantly evolving Fire and Emergency Services world we must look at how technology is affecting how we respond to emergencies in our communities. Our goal for everyone is that we go home safe after each shift. Therefore, we must continue to train like our lives depend on it because they do. As our country continues to reduce its dependance on fossil fuels and finds new alternatives, we in the fire service must also identify different ways to educate ourselves to these new technologies. That is why, in this class, we are looking at plug-in electric vehicles.
These types of vehicles and their technology are challenging to our responders and must be better understood to maintain a safe environment. To accomplish this, we will look at the history of electric vehicles from the past to the present. The difference between the all-electric plug-in vs the hybrid-electric plug-in. What the state’s plan is for electric vehicles and their partnerships to accomplish its goals. Also infrastructure, both public and residential, that supports the electric vehicle ownership.
Then we will explore the response to emergencies involving plug-in electric vehicles. This will include both vehicle fires and crashes. The goal is to identify the special hazards that electric vehicle technology present to responders today. In this section we will look at how the electrical system of the vehicle must be addressed to ensure that we have a safe scene and are able to mitigate the emergency.
Course Code
4 Hours
$210 flat rate off campus
Must be at least 18 years of age.
Class Size
Required Student Materials
· Pen
· Pencil
· Paper
· Highlighter