HiSET and GED Eligibility Requirements

Eligibility Requirements

The Tennessee State Board of Education has ruled that achieving a High School Equivalency Diploma can now be obtained through several different pathways. As such, the Division creates a policy that aligns with Tennessee laws concerning high school equivalency testing and eligibility requirements. Tennessee now offers both HiSET and GED exams. To take the HiSET and GED exams, testers must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Age: You must be at least 18 years of age without a high school diploma or equivalency to take the HiSET and GED exams. If you are 17 years old, you must have an age waiver signed by your local director of schools or designee, leader of the nonpublic school, or parent/guardian of a home-schooled student and upload the completed form to the Age Waiver Zendesk for approval.  Please submit the age waiver recommendation form using this Zendesk link: Submit a request – Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development (tn.gov).
  • Residency: You do not have to be a resident of Tennessee to take any of the approved exams.
  • Identification: You must present identification on test day at the HiSET and GED test centers. A valid driver's license, passport, military ID, or another form of government-issued (national or foreign) identification that shows name, address, date of birth, signature, and photograph are acceptable forms of identification. Outdated or expired identification will not be accepted.
  • Your Accounts ID number: You must create an account if you plan on taking the HiSET and/or GED exams. For the HiSET go to: How to Create a myHiSET Account | The HiSET Exam. For the GED go to: Home - GED.

The Division also approves test centers to offer the HiSET and GED exams. Test centers interested in applying to offer the HiSET should complete and submit the HiSET Test Center Application form. To offer the GED exam, contact Valeria Voiles at Valeria.L.Voiles@tn.gov.

How can I receive a voucher that allows me to take the HiSET or GED exam for free?

To be eligible to receive a voucher that allows you to take the HiSET or GED exam for free, you must meet the requirements established through your local Adult Education program. Not all local programs offer vouchers; however, all programs funded by the TDLWD Adult Education Division do offer vouchers.

Adult learners can earn High School Equivalency Diplomas

Adults across Tennessee who did not graduate high school have multiple options to complete their high school equivalency diploma. Adult education programs across the state offer students in-person or virtual classes that will prepare them to take the HiSET examination, which leads to high school equivalency diploma.

“We want everyone interested in improving their math, literacy, and English language skills to know they never have to leave home and they can still work to change their future. And that includes earning a high school equivalency diploma—all of it can be done completely online,” said Jay Baker, Assistant Commissioner of Adult Education.

Individuals interested in learning more about their local adult education program can call the Adult Education Division at 1-800-531-1515.

Once in contact with a local provider, interested individuals will receive the resources needed to begin their adult education. Classes are available in-person and virtually and will prepare students to take the HiSET examination to determine if they have earned their high school equivalency diploma.

You can take take the HiSET exam by taking the paper-based test, the computer-based test, or the online test. The online exams are identical to HiSET exams taken in physical testing centers in terms of content, format, on-screen experience, and scoring. Each of the features test takers experience in testing centers, such as the ability to preview, skip questions, review, and change answers, are available with the online exam.

“Earning a high school equivalency diploma can really change a person’s life,” Baker said. “An adult who has a diploma can earn much higher wages and unlock more opportunities for education and career advancement.”

The Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development’s HiSET Voucher Program covers all costs associated with the exams. To receive a voucher from a local Adult Education program, a test taker must be a Tennessee resident and demonstrate test preparedness through a qualifying official practice test.

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HSE Recommendation Form (age waiver)
HiSET Test Center Application (for interested test centers)

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About Adult Education

Adult Education, as part of the Workforce Innovations and Opportunity Act (WIOA), provides services to adults to build the knowledge and skills necessary for high school equivalency, employment, post-secondary opportunities, and economic self-sustainability.

En Español

La Educación para Adultos, como parte de la Ley de Oportunidades e Innovaciones Laborales (WIOA), brinda servicios a adultos para desarrollar el conocimiento y las habilidades necesarias para la equivalencia de escuela secundaria, empleo, oportunidades postsecundarias y autosostenibilidad económica. Para aplicar, llame a su programa local.

Get Enrolled

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New Pathways

For adult students in Tennessee, the pathway toward attaining their High School Equivalency Diploma has never had so many options to meet their needs. Learn more about the different exams that can be taken and applied toward HSE Diploma attainment.

HiSET and GED Eligibility Requirements

Learn about the HiSET and GED exams and their eligibility requirements and how adult learners can earn a High School Equivalency Diploma in Tennessee.

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This section includes policies, guidance, and other resources for local Adult Education providers. Resources cover program management, data and performance, and workforce development.


No Wrong Door is a podcast that explores how Tennessee is reimagining its workforce through innovative Adult Education initiatives across the state.

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