Houses of Worship
Houses of Worship that are impacted by disasters may be eligible for federal Public Assistance. The application process depends on whether the Houses of Worship is classified as offering critical services or essential non-critical services.
Critical Services
Critical services include healthcare facilities, water, sewer, electricity, private schools providing primary or secondary education, or institutions of higher education. If a House of Worship offers this kind of service, they may be eligible for FEMA's Public Assistance Program.
Essential Non-Critical Services
Essential non-critical services are any service that is not deemed as critical services. These may include educational enrichment activities, supervised care and daycare services, residential services for people with disabilities, assisted living and low-income housing, homeless shelters and rehabilitation services, and community and performing arts centers. Houses of Worship who provide essential non-critical services should apply for a low-interest disaster loan from the U.S. Small Business Administration. If the House of Worship chooses not to accept the SBA loan, FEMA will discount the projects by the same amount the SBA loan would have covered. If the House of Worship is turned down for a SBA Loan, or the loan amount does not cover the cost of all repairs, FEMA may be able to help provide funds to pay for what SBA or insurance does not cover.
Tropical Storm Helene
Houses of Worship that were impacted by Tropical Storm Helene can submit a Request for Public Assistance (RPA). This request for federal Public Assistance provides reimbursement for portions of projects in eligible categories of work. Please note, PA is not intended to cover insured losses or damage, or to provide all of the funding necessary to rebuild from the disaster. Houses of Worship can submit an RPA by either asking TEMA to submit the RPA or submitting the RPA on their own. For more information about how to submit a RPA. For more information about how to submit a RPA, read the filing instructions fact sheet.
The deadline for Houses of Worship to apply for Public Assistance is Dec. 6, 2024.
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