Results Reporting

In Spring 2013, the 2002 Tennessee Governmental Accountability Act was revised which changed major portions of the previous requirements regarding agency strategic planning and program reporting. Beginning August 15, 2013, and each year thereafter, each state agency as identified in the legislation shall submit a draft strategic plan and the agency's selected program performance measures to the Department of Finance and Administration for review, modification, and approval. Key areas of focus for departments include providing the very best customer service at the lowest possible cost and alignment with the Governor's Priorities (Education & Workforce Development, Transparent & Efficient Government, Healthier Tennessee, Jobs & Rural Economic Development, and Public Safety & Criminal Justice Reform.)

A summary of TDOT's results for the Department's key performance measures in strategic and operational areas can be found on TDOT's Transparent TN page. 

For questions or to seek additional information about TDOT performance, please contact the Strategic Planning, Research & Innovation Division at