TDOT Statewide Customer Survey - 2016
The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) completed its third comprehensive customer survey in 2016. Previous surveys were conducted in 2006 and 2013. The purpose of the survey was to gather input from residents, elected officials, and local governmental partners to objectively assess TDOT's performance and to identify and prioritize the transportation services and improvements that are most important to Tennesseans.
The comprehensive survey consisted of four major components: (1) a Resident Survey, (2) an Elected Official Survey, (3) a Partner Survey, and (4) a Benchmarking Survey with the eight states that border Tennessee and 6 other high-performing states.
The survey was administered by ETC Institute, a national market research firm selected through the state competitive Request for Proposal (RFP) process.
TDOT received responses from 2,436 randomly selected residents. A total of 309 elected officials, including city mayors, county mayors and members of the Tennessee General Assembly, participated in the Elected Official Survey. The partner survey was sent to a wide cross-section of planning partners including city managers/administrators, street superintendents, county highway superintendents, rural and metropolitan planning committee members, transit providers, Tennessee development districts and freight advisory committee members. Three hundred nine (309) responses were received for the Partner Survey as well.
Survey results are provided below in both an executive summary and comprehensive report version. A copy of the survey instrument is included in all comprehensive survey reports. Benchmarking information is included in each of the survey reports as well.
For more information on the 2016 TDOT Statewide Customer Survey, please contact the TDOT Office of Strategic Planning.
2016 Executive Summary (short)
2016 Executive Summary (short, in Spanish)
2016 Executive Summary (long, in Spanish)
*This research was funded through the State Planning and Research (SPR) Program by the Tennessee Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration under RES2013-44: TDOT Customer Satisfaction Survey-FY2013-2018. The contents of these reports reflect the views of the author(s) who is(are) solely responsible for the facts and accuracy of the material presented. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views of the Tennessee Department of Transportation or the United States Department of Transportation.