OS/OW Maps & Restrictions
TDOT has several resources available for those traveling through Tennesssee with oversized and overweight loads. Maps and restrictions related to interstates and state routes are provided below. For information on vertical clearance, weight limits, or other permit-related items, please refer to the menu options.

Alphabetical List of Counties in Tennessee |
01 Anderson | 20 Decatur | 39 Henderson | 58 Marion | 77 Sequatchie |
02 Bedford | 21 Dekalb | 40 Henry | 59 Marshall | 78 Sevier |
03 Benton | 22 Dickson | 41 Hickman | 60 Maury | 79 Shelby |
04 Bledsoe | 23 Dyer | 42 Houston | 61 Meigs | 80 Smith |
05 Blount | 24 Fayette | 43 Humphreys | 62 Monroe | 81 Stewart |
06 Bradley | 25 Fentress | 44 Jackson | 63 Montgomery | 82 Sullivan |
07 Campbell | 26 Franklin | 45 Jefferson | 64 Moore | 83 Sumner |
08 Cannon | 27 Gibson | 46 Johnson | 65 Morgan | 84 Tipton |
09 Carroll | 28 Giles | 47 Knox | 66 Obion | 85 Trousdale |
10 Carter | 29 Grainger | 48 Lake | 67 Overton | 86 Unicoi |
11 Cheatham | 30 Greene | 49 Lauderdale | 68 Perry | 87 Union |
12 Chester | 31 Grundy | 50 Lawrence | 69 Pickett | 88 Van Buren |
13 Claiborne | 32 Hamblen | 51 Lewis | 70 Polk | 89 Warren |
14 Clay | 33 Hamilton | 52 Lincoln | 71 Putnam | 90 Washington |
15 Cocke | 34 Hancock | 53 Loudon | 72 Rhea | 91 Wayne |
16 Coffee | 35 Hardeman | 54 McMinn | 73 Roane | 92 Weakley |
17 Crockett | 36 Hardin | 55 McNairy | 74 Robertson | 93 White |
18 Cumberland | 37 Hawkins | 56 Macon | 75 Rutherford | 94 Williamson |
19 Davidson | 38 Haywood | 57 Madison | 76 Scott | 95 Wilson |
TDOT provides weekly details of planned construction activity for each state's four regions, including dates, times, and routes. Select the desired region below for the current construction report.
- Region 1 (Knoxville) - Weekly East Tennessee Construction Report
- Region 2 (Chattanooga) - Weekly Construction Report
- Region 3 (Nashville) - Weekly Middle Tennessee Construction Report
- Region 4 (Jackson) - Weekly West Tennessee Construction Report
For information on current road conditions, including live-streaming traffic cameras, visit TDOT SmartWay.
*** Over-dimensional traffic may not use the Haywood County Rest Area on I-40 ***