Robertson County Intends to Upgrade to the TACN Radio Network
Robertson County announced its intention to upgrade to the Tennessee Advanced Communications Network (TACN), improving the communications capabilities for their first responders and giving them the interoperability to talk with local, regional and statewide partners.
TACN, a division of the Tennessee Department of Safety & Homeland Security, provides statewide radio communication infrastructure connectivity infrastructure for local, state and federal first responders. With TACN, law enforcement, fire and EMS providers have reliable communication and can coordinate a statewide response in the event of an emergency or natural disaster.
“I applaud Robertson County’s commitment to be a part of TACN,” said Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security Commissioner Jeff Long. “No matter where you are in Tennessee, even when other means of communication fail, TACN gives first responders seamless communication. TACN also allows everyone responding to an emergency from all jurisdictions to talk to each other. When a disaster strikes, communication is key to saving lives.”
Currently, TACN supports 58,000 local, state and federal government users statewide. In the last year alone, over 30 additional agencies decided to join TACN to experience the statewide communications interoperability and the cost savings it delivers.
“Robertson County is excited to be partnering with the State of Tennessee to upgrade our emergency responder’s communication capability,” said Robertson County Mayor William A. Vogle. “TACN is a significant upgrade from our current radio communications system. With this new state-of-the-art system, the people of Robertson County and our first responder and emergency management communities are safer than ever before.”
For more information about TACN visit
The Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security’s mission is to serve, secure, and protect the people of Tennessee.