The Tennessee State Health Plan

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Tennessee's State Health Plan contemplates the factors that determine health, considers the resources that can be utilized to improve health, and coordinates the people who lead the way in making Tennessee healthier. The current State Health Plan seeks to provide a pathway, from 2024 to 2026, for achieving the Department’s vision: Healthy PeopleHealthy Communities, Healthy Tennessee. Through evaluating data and engaging partners, and the public, the State Health Plan outlines how we all work together to improve the health status of all Tennesseeans, and covers recommendations across eight priorities in four areas: 1. A Healthy Start; 2. A Healthy Life; 3. A Healthy Environment; and, 4. A Healthy System of Care. Please see this key as a reference for the eight priority area one-pagers below.

State Health Plan Priority Areas

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9 Priority Areas - 11
SHP Chart One pagers - 1.1
SHP Chart One pagers - 2.1
SHP Chart One pagers - 3.1
SHP Chart One pagers - 4.1
SHP Chart One pagers - 5.1
SHP Chart One pagers - 6.1
SHP Chart One pagers - 7.1
SHP Chart One pagers - 8.1

The State of Health in Tennessee

Click to see the data the Tennessee Department of Health uses that informs the priorities of State Health Plan.

Select a year from the drop-down list on the right to view previous State Health Plans.

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