Three-Year Spending Plans
Ballad’s Three-Year Plans
Revised Children’s Health Plan (submitted April 2021)
Ballad Health ‘s Rural Health Plan.
Ballad Health’s Behavioral Health Plan.
Ballad Health’s Children’s Health Plan.
Ballad Health’s Population Health Plan.
Ballad Health’s Plan updates (“Implementation Roadmaps”) :
FY20 Implementation Roadmaps containing updated schedules of quarterly milestones and data metrics for Ballad Health’s six 3-year plans: Behavioral Health, Children’s Health, Health Information Exchange, Health Research and GME, Population Health and Rural Health.
One-year Plan Extension
Ballad’s request for a one-year extension of the three-year plans.
TDH letter approving the one-year extension of Ballad Health’s three-year plans.
Plan Modification requests:
Ballad’s HR/GME Plan Modification Request to add a program at the Appalachian School of Law dated 9/18/20.
TDH Approval of Plans:
TDH’s conditional approval of Ballad Health’s Rural Health Plan.