For Providers

Tennessee Newborn Screening’s Secure Remote Viewer (SRV):

The Newborn Screening Program now has screening results available for healthcare providers to view and print via the web. SRV is a web-based application which will allow you to view digital copies of the patient result reports. Healthcare providers must be registered with the Department of Health in order to gain access to the SRV.

If you would like access to the system, please fill out the SRV Access Form (PH-3909) and FAX it to (615) 532- 8555. An email address is required. Once this form is received, you will be notified via email of your Username and Password. The email will not include the link to the SRV website for security purposes. Please log into the State of Tennessee Newborn Screening Program Results Website to access the SRV once you receive your Username and Password.

 SRV user guide 

Important Information For:

For disease descriptions, please visit "Additional Resources".

Service Referrals Cheat Sheet - Providers


By law, all infants born in Tennessee must have a newborn screening submitted to the Tennessee State Laboratory. It is the hospitals responsibility to fill out the collection form completely and accurately and to submit a satisfactory newborn screen on all infants prior to discharge regardless of age.  Rules and regulations state that it is the responsibility of the hospital to distribute the “Newborn Screening Parent Pamphlet”, an educational pamphlet to all parents of a newborn.

Newborn Screening Parent Pamphlet English|Spanish|Arabic

Always collect a newborn screening before any transfusion even if the infant is <24 hours old. Collect a repeat filter paper 4 days past transfusion.  If the hospital is transferring a newborn to another facility, they must collect a newborn screen prior to transfer.

It is the providers’ responsibility to make sure the newborn has had a screen, reviewed and interpreted results with respect to blood transfusion and diet status. Also, providers should inform parents of results. If a specimen is unsatisfactory or abnormal it is the responsibility of parents and providers to obtain a repeat specimen once notified. The screening results will be mailed to the submitter of the specimen and to the provider listed on the newborn screening form.

If results are unsatisfactory (poor collection) both the provider and parents will receive a letter from the newborn screening, follow up program requesting a repeat specimen to be submitted. If the results are abnormal and show a possible disease, follow up notifies the provider and tertiary center by phone and fax. Appropriate recommendations are made based on the result. Once notified please contact the parent as soon as possible to help facilitate rescreening.  The follow up program along with the tertiary center ensures patient has confirmatory testing, diagnosis and treatment when necessary. An abnormal case is followed closely until the case is closed with confirmed diagnosis or is shown to be normal.

This is a screening test that can be affected by baby's age, medical or treatment status at the time of specimen collection; the quality and quantity of the specimen or other variables and may not detect all affected babies. The possibility of false negative or false positive results must always be considered when screening newborns for metabolic disorders. Regardless of the results of the newborn screen, the child’s health care provider should proceed with diagnostic testing on any infant exhibiting clinical signs and symptoms.

Circumstantial Testing Information:

What to do if,

If a parent refuses the newborn screening blood test provide them with the Newborn Screening Refusal Form (PH-3686 )|Spanish and attach the completed refusal form to the Newborn Screening filter card form (without blood) which should have the following information:

  • Marked Refused as reason for NO BLOOD SCREEN - Attach refusal form
  • Infant first and last name
  • Infant date and time of birth
  • Hospital of Birth ID
  • Mother first and last name
  • Mother address, city, state and zip

If parents also refuse the hearing screen and CCHD screen, please mark as appropriate in those boxes at the bottom of the Newborn Screening filter card.

If you are the facility/individual responsible for collecting the initial newborn screen and you did not because the infant died, please complete  the Newborn Screening filter card form (without blood) which should have the following information:

  • Marked Expired as reason for NO BLOOD SCREEN: Date of death
  • Infant first and last name
  • Infant date and time of birth
  • Hospital of Birth ID
  • Mother first and last name
  • Mother address, city, state and zip

Please fax the following information to (615) 532-8555:

  • Infant first and last name
  • Date of death
  • Infant date and time of birth
  • Hospital of Birth
  • Mother first and last name
  • Mother address, city, state and zip

Newborn Screening Notification of Infant Death

Resources and Education Materials

Visit the Tennessee Newborn Screening Program Information Toolkit and view the Newborn Screening Directory that provides Collection Procedure and Shipping Information.  Also the Newborn Screening Video is available which includes information about the Newborn Screening Program and collection method.

Contact state lab by email or fax. Include facility name, address, phone number and contact person on your request. Fax: (615) 262-6455

The test methods used by the Newborn Screening Laboratory are not suitable for infants greater than 6 months of age. If the infant is greater than 6 months of age, contact the Metabolic Center closest to the provider to inquire which tests need to be performed and where to send the specimens.

The statewide courier service contract will provide pickup of all Newborn Screening samples that need delivery to the newborn screening laboratory in Nashville. The contract calls for the courier to visit your site after 5:00 PM local time to pick up the specimens and transport them to the laboratory by 7:30 AM the next day. The courier service will continue to deliver specimens to the state lab seven days a week. Hospitals/birthing facilities listed as Will Call/Call In locations will notify Crosstown that a pickup is needed for that day by requesting pick up through Crosstown's email service. The address is In the event email services are not available, the backup phone number is 800-727-5872. Notification is required by 3:00 PM that day to ensure pickup that night. We encourage Will Call/Call In locations to use the email address to ensure Crosstown's receipt of all pick-up details and provide written verification of scheduling the pick-up.

The laboratory courier contact can be reached at:  Please let the courier contact know if there are changes to your facility primary contact information, to handle permanent changes to the pick-up schedule, and to add new collection sites. Send issues that need to be addressed directly with Crosstown involving pickups, lock boxes, resupply of bar codes, etc. to

Fed-Ex Shipping Instructions for Providers and Mid-wives