Healthy Schools - Nutrition

school cafeteria serving line

Why is nutrition important for students?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's school nutition webpage, while at school children may eat about half of what they will eat all day long.  Providing healthy eating options while at school supports academic learning in the classroom as well as teaches lifelong healthy eating behaviors.

How can schools support healthy eating?

Schools influence the dietary behaviors of children and adolescents.  The health of students is linked to their academic success.  Schools can support healthy eating by providing opportunities for students to learn about and practice healthy dietary behaviors.  Click to our Food and Nutrition webpage for more about how to get kids to eat more fruits and vegetables at child care and schools and assistance programs that support children with special or financial needs.  The CDC has also released research on Healthy Eating Design Guidelines for School Architecture that can promote school environments for to be more conducive to learning about and practicing  healthy eating.

CDC Components of the School Nutrition Environment and Services

Government partners

Tennessee Department of Education
School Nutrition Program (SNP)
SNP Resources

US Department of Agriculture
National School Lunch Program (NSLP)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Healthy Schools
School Nutrition

Helpful documents  

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Comprehensive Framework for Addressing the School Nutrition Environment and Services
School Health Guidelines to Promote Healthy Eating and Physical Activity
Tips for Teachers Promoting Healthy Eating & Physical Activity in the Classroom