Healthy Schools - Air Quality Flag Program
What is the School Air Quality Flag Program?
As student achievement is directly connected to health, monitoring outdoor air quality . The Environmental Protection Agency's Air Quality Flag Program matches air quality forecasts with actions to protect health. Flags that are color coded to match the air quality forecasting system are flown in a visible location to remind people about the outdoor air quality.
This allows people who have respiratory medical conditions or other physical limitations to plan their actitivies to minimize respiratory distress or asthma attacks.
The American Lung Association has a complimentary Flag Program. The ALA Tennessee chapter has additional educational information and resources for schools about air quality.

Students with their flags at Inglewood Elementary School.

Students with their flags at Rose Bank School.
TN Air Flags Committtee resources
The TN Air Flags Committee is part of the nonprofit Tennessee Asthma Coaltion.
Program brochure
Air Quality Flag Program brochure
Tennessee Asthma Coalition Air Flags Newsletters
winter 2020 newsletter
fall 2019 newsletter
summer 2019 newsletter
Government partners
Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation
Division of Air Pollution Control
Environmental Protection Agency
Air Quality Flag Program
Create your own Air Quality Flag Widget
Alabama Public Health
Air Qualty Flag Program
Other partners
American Lung Association of Tennessee
Additional resources
coming soon
Add the AirNow Widget to your webpage. Click to the Environmental Protection Agency's Air Now Website to make your own Air Quality Forecast Widget.